Chapter 21 - "Will You Be My Girlfriend?"

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"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I call through the door. I'm aware of the fact that I'm dripping wet, but as long as I stay in the doorway, I don't think they'll mind too much.

"Sophie, where've you been..." My Mom, Edaline, starts to ask as she comes towards the front door. Her sentence trails off when she sees Keefe.

"Hi, Mrs. Ruwen," Keefe says quietly, raising a hand. Mom looks from the me to Keefe, from my arm to his, and her eyes widen.

"Soph, can I borrow you for just a split second?" she asks, smiling a tight and very obviously fake smile. I nod, following her down the hall.

"Sophie, what happened," she whisper yells.

"Mom, Keefe and I are... soulmates."

"Yeah, I figured that one out for myself. But how did this happen? I thought you hated him." She pops a hand on her hip, waiting for me to spill. I take a deep breath before doing so.

"I... did. Basically Biana and Fitz had a sleepover at the same time, and Keefe and I finally talked. The words on my arm are the ones that came out of Keefe's mouth." Mom's jaw drops, and she folds her arms across her chest.

"Well, you're lucky Grady is out right now. I think Keefe might've met an early end if he'd been here." She laughs softly, and I force out a laugh of my own.

"Yeah, probably. So, you're okay with us?"

"I think that's a question for your Dad." She smiles softly, brushing her hand across my cheek, "I'm just glad you're happy. You and Keefe used to be such good friends. Make sure he doesn't screw it up this time, 'kay?" She kisses the top of my head as I wrap my arms around her.

"Of course, Mom. I might beat him if he tries to end our friendship, relationship, whatever's going on. Love you."

"Love you too. Now let's go back." I release her from the hug, and go back to the entrance where Keefe lingers, standing on the rug so he doesn't drip on our floor.

"Good news! Mom's not gonna kill you! Although, Grady might," I warn, pulling him in the house.

"Sophie, I'm soaking wet," he protests, trying to twist out of my grip.

"It's fine. The floors wood, so it's gonna be easy to clean, and Mom's getting towels now." Sure enough, my Mom returns with two beach towels, and hands them to both of us. Once she does, she ruffles Keefe's hair.

"I'm assuming we're going to be seeing you around again?" she asks with a light smile.

"If your husband allows it, then yes, I hope so." Edaline laughs.

"Don't worry, I'll wear him down. Now once you guys dry off, you can go hang out in Sophie's room, just behave."

"Mom!" I cry out, running a hand down my face. Keefe laughs, and I roll my eyes at both of them. I walk down the hall, Keefe following, and we get to my room.

"This place has definitely changed since the last time I saw it."

"Because I was like eight the last time you were here."

He's right though. The room has gone through a major  makeover since the last time he saw it.

I was one of those girls when I was little that was obsessed with hot pink. My room showed that. It had bright pink walls, with pictures hanging on them in gold frames. I also had princess bed sheets, if that says anything about me. Belle, of course, because she was the most relatable princess to me. Still kind of is. My floor also had no carpet, and was hardwood.

Now my room is on the minimalist side. The walls are just a clean white, with fairy lights running around the ceiling. The picture frames are still up, just with updated pictures. My bed is one of those fancy canopy beds, with gold posts and a white drape thingy. My sheets are white, too, with gold stripes. The carpet is white and fluffy.

Basically it's a basic white girl room, but I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.

"Do you still have the window seat?" Keefe asks. He's talking about the window right by my bed. The curtains, white with a golden pattern, are drawn closed, but when they're open they lead to a window seat.

"Of course," I say, pulling the curtains open. The seats are still the same pale pink they were when I first got it, although the decorative pillows are just plain white now.

"It's a lot smaller then I remember."

"We were a lot smaller the last time we were here," I shrug, dropping down on my bed. Keefe sits down next to me, and I jump when he takes my hand. 

"What was that for?" I ask, turning my head to him. His eyes look even more blue then usual, the icy color staring into my soul. The eye contact starts to make me uncomfortable, so I tear my eyes from his, staring at our hands. He runs his thumb up and down the back of my hand as he speaks.

"I don't know what we are, Foster. We have a complicated past. You kissed me in an alleyway. We are not normal people, that's for sure." I laugh, and force myself to look back at him. For once, his face is fully serious.

"Keefe, what are you saying?" I ask, my heartbeat picking up.

"I'm not saying anything, technically. I'm asking you something. Foster?"

"Yes?" My heart's racing now, and it only picks up speed when he asks,

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

A/N: TURN IT UPPPPPPPP! It just got official up in this place.

I also gathered from the last update that you guys don't like the double chapter, and honestly, that's cool. 

that's all I have to say. Well, except that my bdays soon! Woop woop. K byeee

love you guys x

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