Chapter 10 - Why Would You Say Something Like That?

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"What are we doing first?" I ask warily, remembering Biana's warning about the face mask somewhere in the room.

"Relax, we're not doing makeovers," Marella comes next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Yet."

"At all?" Dex asks hopefully. Marella just smiles coyly at him, and he rolls his eyes.

"How about we play truth or dare?" Linh asks. It's supposed to be an innocent question, I can tell, but she's met with a resounding no.

"Not yet anyways," Marella adds.

"MARELLA!" the entire group yells.

"Just saying. We all know it's gonna happen." She shrugged. I hated to agree with her, but I knew she was right.

"Why don't we play normal games? Like UNO, or some kind of board game?" Sophie suggests. Her idea seems to get approval, with everyone in the room. nodding in agreement. Dex's eyes light up.

"We should play Monopoly!" Half the room groans, and half doesn't seem apposed.

"Okay, let's vote. Raise your hand for no Monopoly," Fitz says. Biana and Linh's hands go up. "Raise your hand for Monopoly." Everyone else's hands go up.

"You know what? We should wait until after dinner to play, so then we don't have any interruptions," I suggest. Everyone agrees, and that's our game plan.

"So, UNO for now?" Sophie asks. Biana nods, and runs to her side of the sleepover room, where she has a shelf full of games. She pulls UNO out, along with some other games.

"I also got Apples to Apples and Spot-It." Biana dumps the three games into the floor. Fitz grabs Apples to Apples first, and dumps the box out. He shuffles the cards and deals as everyone sits in a circle.

After I win, obviously, we switch over to Spot-It, which I've never played.

"Um, how do we do this?" I ask as Biana deals one circular card to everyone. She places the rest face down in the middle as she explains the rules.

"When I say go, everyone looks at their card. Then, I'll flip the top card in the middle over. When you see an object on your card and the middle card you yell Spot-It, and then slap your hand down. Whoever's hand touches first gets the card, but first you have to prove that you have a match. Then that card goes on top of your hand, and you keep going until there's no cards left in the middle. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins. Got it?"

"I think." Biana gives a countdown, and we all look at our card. Three seconds later, the middle card gets flipped.

I suck at this game. 
And Foster's really good at it.
I'm blaming her ridiculously good memory.
Not because everyone else is bad and every time I saw her go for a card I'd stop.
Why would you say something like that?

After a few more rounds I start to get the hang of it. Pretty soon I'm even beating the Queen herself.

"Okay, I asked for UNO, and have yet to be given it. I say we switch to UNO," Sophie says after I win again.

"Or you're just tired of loosing to the master." I gesture to myself.

"The master of arrogance," she retorts. I roll my eyes at her, and Dex raises an eyebrow.

"What are you looking at, Dizznee? The master?" I pretend to flip my hair.

"I think I agree with Sophie," he snorts. I roll my eyes, again, as Sophie grabs UNO.

"Deciding we can do whatever we want now, Foster?" I tease. 

"I told you not to call me that," she says as she shuffles the cards.

I'm only teasing her.
Definitely not flirting.
We're just friends, and I'm fine with that
It's not like she just wants to stay friends and I want to get to work on being soulmates.
Why would you say something like that?

Sophie deals out the cards, and I can't help but grin. Three out of my seven cards are boring, but the other four are two draw fours, a draw two, and a skip.

"You guys are going down," I whisper under my breath.

"What was that?" Linh asks.

"Oh, nothing." I fan myself with the deck of cards as the starter card gets flipped over. Blue. Perfect. 

I nominate myself to go first, placing down my draw two. "Your turn, Dex." He shrugs like it's nothing, and puts down his own draw two. Somehow, everyone in the circle has a draw two.

Sophie giggles as she places down her draw two, a green one. 

"Draw, oh let's see, twelve, Keefe. Unless you have another draw two in there somewhere?" I gasp, as she winks. I reluctantly pick up the twelve cards as play continues. When it gets to Foster, you'll never believe it.

She skips me!
Keefe Sencen!

"Sorry, Keefe." She shrugs innocently, but there's an evil look in her eyes. She's here to win. I scoff, and play goes around again. 

The color's yellow when it gets to Sophie. If she could keep that color, that would be great. I managed to pick up a couple of yellow draw twos, and want to see if I can get another circle going, and not have me end as the victim.

She has a reverse card. 

"Are you kidding me!" I shout. Sophie merely shrugs. 

"Sorry." She shrugs. I'm starting to think she's out to get me on purpose.

The game ends with Sophie winning.
I have the largest hand.
I got to play maybe three times.
And it's all thanks to my friend/I-want-to-be-more-than-friends Ms. Sophie Foster
Wait, that came out wrong. I don't want to be more than friends.
Why would you say something like that?

Time passed faster than I thought, because pretty soon Della, Fitz and Biana's Mom, yells from upstairs. "Dinner's ready!"

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