Chapter 15 - "I'm Glad I'm Done Being Stupid."

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update guys. I've been really unmotivated to write this book. Instead, I've been working a book that I'm hoping to publish one day! Maybe I'll post it here as a test run when it's finished?? Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

I woke up with the weirdest dream lingering. I'd dreamed that Sophie had told me she'd liked me, and then we fell asleep in each others arms. 

Something warm presses against my side. Did I fall asleep on the arm of the couch? But that would mean I'd gone across the entire couch at some point during the night. 

As I become more and more awake, I realize something.

That wasn't a dream.

Sophie had told me how she felt last night.


I look down, and see that she's still asleep, her head on my chest, her arms wrapped tightly around me. Her legs, which had been tucked in a little ball when I fell asleep now lean sideways, touching my own. I look around the room, and see that Biana and Dex are both awake. They're sitting on the floor, quietly whispering to each other. Linh's also awake, and she's laying on her side in her sleeping bag, scrolling through her phone.

Fitz and Marella are both still asleep. Fitz is on the other couch, sprawled out, and Marella's tucked into a little ball on the floor on top of her sleeping bag. 

I'm not tired anymore, but I sink back into the couch, and play with Sophie's hair. She grabs me tighter in her sleep, and butterflies explode in my stomach.

Time passes, and eventually Sophie wakes up. I can tell she's one of those people who wake up and then immediately flop back onto their pillow, because she hugs me tighter before sitting up. She rubs her eyes and yawns before glancing around the room with her eyes half-closed. After a few minutes, she looks at me. Her eyes soften a little bit.

"Was last night a..." she trails off.

"Dream? No. I don't think so," I finish for her, taking her hand softly. She squeezes it back.

"I'm glad I'm done being stupid." I laugh.

"I'm glad you're done too." She leans her head on my shoulder, and it takes all my willpower not to kiss the top of her head. That's moving a little too fast considering all that's happened. 

We sit like that for a while before everyone finally wakes up. Fitz is barely half awake when Biana lets out a loud squeal, and everyone's hands go to their ears.

"You guys!" She points at Sophie and I eagerly. Everyone looks where she's pointing, and jaws drop.

"What happened last night?" Marella asks, "You look like you like each other now."

"Something like that." I shrug. Sophie giggles.

"Details, details, details!" Biana claps her hands together.

"I don't think so, Bi. What happened stays between me and Keefe," Sophie says. Biana sticks her tongue out at Sophie, and Sophie makes a face right back.

"You're so giving me details later," Linh says. Sophie nods, and Biana has a hilariously exaggerated look of hurt on her face.

Just then, my stomach growls loudly. Everyone stares at me. I shrug apologeticlly.

"Sorry. I've been up for a while, and I'm always hungry in the morning."

"How?" Linh asks. Marella shushes her.

"No, no. He's got a point." Her stomach agrees with mine. I laugh.

"Belly buddies!" I say. She rolls her eyes.

"For the love of god, Keefe, never say that again."

"Yeah, that was bad," Sophie admits. I place my hand over my heart, and she giggles, punching me lightly.

No one says anything about letting me eat. Instead, we sit around and talk for about an hour more. It's finally 10 am when Biana speaks up about her hunger. Everyone starts to agree with her, and I roll my eyes. 

"Are you mad cause no one cared when you were hungry but everyone cares when Biana's hungry?" Sophie whispers in my ear.

"Yes," I whisper back. She gives me a You're so special, but like stupid special  kind of smile.

"Do you guys wanna go somewhere?"

"I don't have any money," Sophie says.

"I'm sure we can figure something out. Donuts, anyone?" Fitz says, smiling. We all stand up, and move around the room to get ready for the day.

Donuts here we come.

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