Chapter 22 - "I Didn't Say It Went Well. I Said It Went Better Than Expected."

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Foster glances at me, her eyes wider then I've ever seen them go. "Wh-What?" she stutters, slowly pulling her hand from mine.

"I don't want to have to wonder what we are. So, I'm asking if we can make it official. Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"I-I," she stutters, and I start to feel less and less hopeful for a yes. But then she looks at me with her gorgeous brown eyes, and smiles, "Of course."


"Keefe, of course means yes," she laughs, pushing my chest lightly. I grab her hand, holding it there.


"Yes, Keefe?"

"Can I kiss you?"

"Of course. And don't say really, because I mean yes." She places her hand on my cheek lightly, and I lean down to kiss her. 

It's a short moment, nothing like the alley, but it still sends butterflies racing through every part of my body. Sophie looks up at me, small smile on her lips, and she goes to lean in again when the sound of a door slamming pulls us apart.

"Oh shoot. That's my Dad. I would say stay here, but that might get you in even more trouble." Sophie stands quickly and leaves her room. She runs down the hall, and I linger behind as I hear her talk to Mr. Ruwen.

"Dad, I have something to tell you, but you have to promise not to get mad," I hear her say.

"Why would I get mad, kiddo?" he asks. I envision him pulling Sophie in a hug, and her pushing him away.

"Dad, I need your word. Do not get mad."

"Okay, okay, I won't. Now spill."

"Keefe might be here right now."

"What?!" he shouts, clearly forgetting his promise to not get mad, "Where? I swear that boy-"

"Dad, no, it's not like that. We're cool now. We're soulmates! He just asked me to be his girlfriend."

"And I'm assuming you said no and kicked him out of the house?" Mr. Ruwen steps into the hallway, and our eyes meet, "Or not." Sophie appears behind him, and gives me a sheepish look.

"Dad, remember when I asked you to not get mad? I mean that now. Keefe's changed. He's not quite as stupid as he used to be. I promise if one of our hearts gets broken next time, it'll be his."

"Hey!" Sophie just winks at me before wrapping an arm around her dad.

"I do not like this Sophie."

"I know, Dad. I know. But Mom's okay with it. Can you just please, let us live? I promise it won't end badly."

"You say that now," he grumbles. Still, he walks towards me and reaches to shake my hand. I do it nervously.

"Sir, I promise I won't hurt your daughter again."

"You better not." He pulls his hand from my grasp, and turns, walking down the hall.

"Well, that went a lot better than expected," Foster says, running up to me.

"You and I have a different definition of things going well."

"I didn't say it went well. I said it went better than expected." She stands on her toes to kiss my cheek, "Now I'm gonna shower, because I feel sticky and sandy. You can hang in my room, but you leave my bathroom alone until I leave it."

"Yes, Ma'am." I mock salute her, to which she grins, and kisses me once.

"You're a dork."

"But I'm your dork!" I call after her as she walks into her room. She sticks her tongue out at me and turns on her heel into the bathroom. I sit down in the window seat, incredibly grateful that she agreed to be mine.

For real this time.

A/N: I don't have much to say, but I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 22!

also it's my bday! finally 15 woo hoo!

have a great day!!

love you guys xx

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