THIRTEEN | gay pirate

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"What's up with him?" I walk onto the main floor to see Tony aggressively typing on his keyboard, muttering curse words at his computer.

"Learning how to type." Kate flips through another file nonchalantly.

I squint my eyes, going over to his desk to see for myself. "Well, I've never seen that method of learning to type."

"It's my lunch break."

"It's not even noon yet."

"I'm on Greenwich Mean Time."

"You know," I glance down at my watch, "Gibbs is due down here any moment now. You better hope he doesn't catch you."

"Catch him doing what, Evaline?" Right on time, Gibbs.

Tony shoots me a pleading look which I can't just ignore.

"Catch him wearing a shirt that clearly looks like it belongs in the 19th century." My hands go straight to Tony's shoulders. "And he was asking for my advice on whether he should get both of his ears pierced."

"That right, DiNozzo?" Gibbs files something away in the cabinet beside us.

Tony glances back at me for a split second. "I think Eva misunderstood, boss. What I was really talking about was elongating the lobe through surgery." Like that's any better than piercings.

"Hey, if you want to look like a gay pirate, that's your call."

Thank you, Tony mouths to me sarcastically.

I smile brightly in response, You're very welcome.

"I thought you were going to an anti-terrorism conference today, Gibbs?" Kate stops by.

Gibbs is too busy grabbing his gear. "Change in plan. A Marine Gunnery Sergeant didn't show up for duty this week."

"Since when do we track down U-A Marines?"

"Since he's one of a handful of people who knows how to arm small yield nuclear weapons."

The three of us follow behind him, our bags in hand.

"Personally, I think you'd look very nice as a gay pirate. Very Captain Jack Sparrow. Or even Will Turner."

"Only if you'll be my Elizabeth Swann."

We visit the bar where our marine was last seen. After quite a bit of flirting with the waitress, Tony heads out with Gibbs, leaving me and Kate to check out the pickup truck and get a description of the woman our Marine got lucky with.

"I've got a rough sketch of the woman Atlas was having an affair with." Kate hands Gibbs the drawing. "It's not much to work with, but if he was having an affair with a married woman, then we have a motive for someone wanting him to vanish."

"Pull his phone records. See if we can match that face with a phone number."

"Already made a request for the subpoena."

From the corner of my eye, I notice Tony talking to the waitress again.

"You know, I've got a really hinky feeling about her."

"That's called jealousy."

"It is not!"

"Hey!" Gibbs yells raspily. I swear, I see birds fly in the opposite direction.

Tony finally walks away from her all giddily. "I got her name, boss."

"Do I look like I care, DiNozzo?" What's with the sudden mood change? "Let's go."

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