SIXTEEN | delivery guy

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"Alright, I picked up iced coffees." I carry in a tray of drinks. "And they're all melted because we're in the middle of a heatwave."

Tony rubs his palms together, reaching for a cup. "Morning, Eva. Have a good night?"

"Very." That's when I notice Kate holding McGee by the ears. "Care to explain what's going on over there?"

"McGee was being a peeping Tom." He whispers, throwing an arm over my shoulders. "He was underneath her desk when she came in."

"I see he's been learning from you." I nudge his ribs, chuckling ever so slightly. "How's the coffee taste?" He sighs in content.

"Perfect." He smirks before stopping not a second later. Gibbs comes in with his usual steaming hot cup of coffee.

The elder man stops in his steps, not turning around. "Tony. Did I just see what I thought I saw?"

"Out of respect for my coworkers, boss, I'd have to say yes. Yes, you did, and it's very disturbing."

"I agree. Put your damn shirt back on. This is a federal office building, not a gym."

"You fell right into that one, didn't you?" I hum, sneaking a small wink. "Have you been working out?" My fingers curl around his bicep.

"Why, 'cause I'm sweating like a pig?" He rolls up his sleeves.

I roll my eyes, standing on the tips of my toes. "I was going to say you look a lot stronger now, really packing some muscle."

"Care to test my stamina?"

I drag him towards Gibbs' desk where Kate is standing.

"We've got a problem, Gibbs." She informs him.

Although, he's a bit distracted from slamming his cell against his desk repeatedly. "Damn it, I hate this thing. Crap!"

"There's a secretary from the Pentagon downstairs." She begins the briefing. "She claims that her boss is being held hostage. . .by his computer."

"See? There's a reason I didn't trust these things." He raises his smashed cellphone.

I snicker under my breath. "Other than not understanding how to use them?" The look he gives me shuts me right away.

"Here. Reboot that or something." Gibbs tosses it to McGee. "Send her up." He makes his way to the interrogation rooms.

"Reboot it?" McGee motions to the beyond-repair phone.

"Or you can do what we always do."

"He can never tell the difference."

"It's his third one this month."

The secretary, Shirley Wilkes, explains the situation, even delivering a note written by her boss, Captain Mike Watson.

Gibbs sends Kate and McGee out to survey the Watson household, leaving me and Tony to find everything we can about the Watson family. The senior agent himself poses as a Gunnery to secretly set up video and audio.

"I need a way to communicate with Captain Watson." Gibbs comes into the bullpen.

"Communication part's solved, boss." Tony holds up the small earpiece. "Earwig radio receiver. Used 'em all the time for undercover work back in Baltimore."

"How do we get it in his ear?"

"Did I mention there's one tiny flaw in my plan?"

Gibbs drops the earpiece right into my hands. "DiNozzo, I show back up there as a gunnery, this guy's gonna get suspicious."

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