Chapter 12.

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'Hey Catnip.'

'Gale! I killed you! You should be dead'

'Well, actually Katniss, you missed. Your hands were shaking so much, and you were so nervous, you shot me in the arm.' I swear I shot him in heart.

'I came here to apologize.'

'Oh Gale, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. Im a cruel person.' Im crying now, but I fling my arms around him.

'Well, im sorry for killing your child, and hurting Peeta. You had a reason to kill me.' Gale said. I forgot about the fact that he KILLED MY CHILD and tried to HURT PEETA!!! I froze for a second. Gale noticed. 'Hey, Katniss, if your mad i under--'

I slam the door in his face. I can't contain my tears. I grab the phone and call Peeta. 'Peeta, Gale is-- Gales alive! And he came to the house!'

'WHAT! you killed him didn't you!'

'No, turns out I just shot him in the arm.'

'Ok well Im coming home right now. Ill close up early. Don't worry, Ill be home in a sec.'

'Ok. Don't be long. I love you.'

'I love you to Katniss.' The phone went silent.

I cried for about 5 minutes, and the Peeta walked in. His face was red and he was breathing really heavily. 'Did you run here?' I ask. 'Yeah I did. I told you I would be here quickly. Did Gale leave?' With that,I burst into tears 'yes hes gone and i dont think he is coming back.' I manage to get out. Peeta kisses me, and then instantly I feels better.

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