Chapter 6 [Reader-Chan]

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"Ludwig, look! She was waiting for us! Come here, [Name]!" The Italian's words were the last things you heard before you bolted and ran.

You ran towards the only part of the home you didn't explore: The second floor. Yet, going there does concerns you. You didn't know if it was different here, but in your dimension, sometimes pets weren't allowed in certain places. Some rooms or floors might be off limits. The first warning is harsh enough so that the pet won't do it again. But gentle enough as to not break or ruin trust.

And you were afraid of what the punishment would be if there was one.

The second floor was designed nicely. It had two bedrooms and a bathroom, plus a room that was a closet. (You had time to look around before the owners of the home decided to look for you.)

Being the cat that you were, you went to hide in the closet. It was dark and barely smelled like anything, well, except for the cleaning equipment in there. The closet, to a normal human, probably wasn't very big. But it was perfect for you.

Even if it wasn't big enough for you, your body would have managed anyways. Cats don't have rigid collarbones and neither do cat hybrids. If you or another feline or feline hybrid can get their head and shoulders in the area, then the rest is no big deal.

You sat down with your knees close to your face. Your ears were laid down on your head but they moved as you heard the men begin to look for you. Multiple thoughts were going through your head. I miss my dimension. I miss Hercules. What is life here going to be like now? I just want to go home

You were mad at yourself. If only you didn't give into your curiosity and your human fascination maybe you would be watching TV or talking on your phone. What would I be doing now? Definitely not hiding in a closet.

The doors on this floor could be heard opening and closing. Footsteps were wandering the area. Even voices could be heard.

"Did I scare her, Ludwig? She seemed to have opened up to me earlier..." It was the Italian.

"That vas because she vas drugged earlier. It vas the catnip that made her like that. And because she ran avay, I think she is still vild." There's the German. "Vash might be able to take her back. Ve don't have the time or patience to train her." He wanted to get rid off you? You didn't know if this was a good or bad thing.

"[Name] seems fine. If anything she might be an easier hybrid to train since she can at reast talk." It was Kiku's voice. "I wonder if she just had bad experiences with humans... That could exprain a rot. Hmm?" Footsteps stopped just at the edge of the door of the closet.

"Is she in there...?" His voice went to a low whisper. Except your sensitive hearing picked it up easily. The closet's doorknob opened slowly. You looked up from your misery to see Kiku staring down at you. Behind him was Feliciano and Ludwig. Ludwig was, of course, holding Feli back.

"How did she manage to fit in there? Hybrids have all sorts of different abilities!" You glared at him because of his words. The Italian was only impressed by how you managed to fit yourself in what would be a more cramped space. Yet you just weren't comfortable with his childish outbursts as of right now. (Even though Nekos are incredibly childish once they open up more.)

"Go away..." You said in a more defensive tone. Could you be left alone for a bit? Away from them? "And... No. I've never had a bad experience up until now..." All of the men looked at one another in a confused manner. A sigh escaped your mouth once again (for the millionth time) as you slowly crawled out of the closet.

You pointed at them with newfound energy. "Where I come from, humans don't exist. Call me crazy, but it's true. You're all just weird to me." You folded your arms and looked away. "And I just want to go home and see the people I care about 'cause I miss it too..." You muttered the last part so they didn't hear.

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