Chapter 14 [Reader-Chan]

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With a little bit of coaxing, you and the two men were on a bus. You liked it more than being in a car now. Once again, Kiku and Feliciano were seated by your sides. However, after seeing another hybrid do it, Feliciano really wanted you to sit on his lap... You said no.

The city landscape faded from view as a more suburban and rural setting took its place. You saw more trees and lawns than skyscrapers and pavement. It felt... Peaceful, really. But the bus took you and the other passengers down a road to big building. It was gray, so you already didn't like it. And it reminded you of a prison, in a way. A feeling of uneasiness came upon you. So when Feliciano and Kiku took you got off here, you were almost terrified.

The unhappy looking weather added onto that emotion. It was sunny a couple minutes ago.

"Um... I don't remember it being so... So..." You struggled with your words. All you remembered were bushes, an Inu, bear traps, and people hunting for hybrids. That's it.

"So what? Vash kept it the way the original owners had it. Lili doesn't like it, but he likes to save money." Feliciano said nonchalantly. "Why? Does it look scary?" He asked.

"Well... It bothers me." You replied. It bothers me. So... Yeah it's a little scary! Other than the building bothering you, you were being bothered by it bothering you. A funny thing, actually.

"It kind of bothers me too..." Said Feli. "But I guess we should go inside since you wanted to come here..."

The three of you proceeded to head inside. You all walked into an office with a receptionist. The receptionist was clearly off in their own world since they paid no attention to your group. They just kept on doing what they were doing. I guess customer service is bad here, too. You thought.

"Should we go find Vash? I mean, I actuarry want to see him." Kiku questioned.

"He might be upstairs..." Feliciano's head tilted upwards as he said that. "But what about [Name]?"

"What about me?" You asked, now clearly developed into the subject of the matter. Are they planning on ditching you? Well, that could be fine since you thought about ditching them here.

"Oh! It's nothing, I just thought you wouldn't want to meet Vash; That you would want to meet his sorellina (little sister) instead. His sister is really nice and sweet!" Sister? He has a sister? You thought. In your head you wondered if meeting his sister first is better than meeting him, Vash, himself. Besides, Kiku mentioned earlier that she likes cute things. As much as you didn't want to admit it, the humans here think you're pretty cute. Maybe you could meet her, and then leave when she isn't paying attention.

"Y'know what? I think I will go meet his sister. Probably better than seeing Vash anyways. Go spend time with your acquaintance or friend or something. Just point me in the right direction! I'll be off!" Motivation became one with you as you spoke. You were eager to see if there was a way to get back to the hybrid world. However, you didn't want to see upset faces on your new friends. You leaving here and not saying goodbye means that you wouldn't feel as much guilt or sadness.

Feliciano pointed to some doors behind you.

"She likes to hang out in the back. Those doors lead to the main room, and that back door in there is the entrance to the yard." He motioned with his hands as he said those words. You could've sworn Kiku said something. Something about... "Don't go too far." Whatever that meant; You were too busy leaving the room.

Upon following the instructions, you did exactly as Feli said. The room you went into had other doors, besides the back entrance, that lead to other rooms. And each one was labeled. You did your best not to be nosy and snoop around, but it was a little hard considering the names on each sign. 'Hybrid Socialization', 'Hybrid Fridge', 'Call and Rescue', and 'Owner's Zone'. You didn't know what to expect on the inside of each one, but judging from the noises coming out, they could be... Er... Interesting.

Eventually you ended up outside. The sun was a welcomed feeling and sight, especially since it was cloudy when you arrived. In the corner of your eye you saw a girl. She was blonde, had short hair and was wearing a pink dress that actually looked comfortable.

Now you wanted to see what girl human clothes are like... Great. The girl didn't seem to acknowledge you, as she was too busy picnicking. It looked like she had [Favorite Fruits] and [Favorite Cookies]. You subconsciously let out a whine as you wanted the sweets. Unfortunately, the girl heard it and glanced your way. Her face light up with excitement.

"Ooh! Come here kitty!" She motioned for you to come over. You didn't know what to do so you went with the flow. Cautiously, you headed towards her. The girl held up one of the cookies. "Would you like this? It's safe for hybrids too!" The cookie was all that was needed for you to go to her faster. You sat down with it in your hand. It was bigger than what you were used to, but that could've been since it was meant for humans: A species that's larger than you.

You felt like you lost your dignity as you were bribed with food. But it's food and food is life. You weren't gonna complain about free food.

"I'm Lili," she began. "My brother owns this place. But he's busy right now so it's just me and you!" Lili said with joy. "Another cookie?" You snatched what was in her hand greedily. Lili's voice was cute, as was her outfit. She didn't seem bothered that a random hybrid showed up out of nowhere. Honestly, if she's not asking questions, you can just play dumb pet for a while. And when she's had her fun, you can get back to what you were originally doing.

Lili had began to pet your head. As soon as her hand touched your ears, you froze. It was like being touched by Feliciano all over again. The same warm feeling came upon you. You had been petted once, and once was all that you needed. But Lili's hands were softer, and she was being more gentle. In fact, you felt like this was OK, almost normal even. This time, you did your best not to hesitate with your purr. And the sound came out of you loudly.

"Do you like this? Big brother said that hybrids like it when you pet them behind the ears." She laughed. "I have no experience with Nekos, but I guess it works on them too!" Lili looked at you some more. You looked familiar to her... Were you the pet of someone she knew? Or were you recently captured? Whatever the reason, she needed to ask her brother.

Your purrs were at a constant rhythm. At the moment, your head was slightly going up and down with it. It was like you were in a hypnotic trance. After all, that was the best way to describe it. Lili removed her hand from your ears and got up. She took you by your hand as she did so.

"Come on, Neko. We're going back inside." Said Lili. You looked at her with confusion. "Well, I need to know where your owners are. Vash won't let me keep you... And I don't know if you'd want to stay here..." She did her best to take to inside the building, but you were having none of it. You barely started your search for clues for home. It would be a waste if you didn't even begin it!

You started tugging your hand out of hers. Her grip was firm and strong, but it didn't hurt.

"What are you doing?" Her words didn't reach the part of your brain that dealt with reason.

"Let me go!" You said. Lili gasped as she released you. Quickly, you took this as your moment of opportunity to run.

"Y-You can talk?!" Lili looked surprised. However, her surprise became awe. "That's so cool! But come back! Don't go far into there!" It was too late, you went farther into the field and disappeared into some bushes. Lili sighed. "I need to tell big brother what happened..."

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