Chapter 16.5 [Hercules & Sadiq]

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The expression on Kuro's face was terrifying. He looked so sadistic, so evil. How does the idea of scaring, or inflicting pain on another, make anyone that happy and excited?

"I heard that you aren't from here. How curious... Your anatomy, appearance, and genetics are a bit different from our hybrids... For exampre, Hercures, your knife wound vanished in a matter of days. You nursed back to health quickry too. Prus I adore your strength." Kuro said.

Hercules didn't know if he should be creeped out, or flattered. He's not sure how to feel about it. Growing up, it was Sadiq who usually got praised and liked. It was mostly due to his social butterfly personality.

Kuro turned to Sadiq.

"Sadiq, I do not know if I should pity you, or be amazed. Ruciano and Rutz broke you far faster than Hercures. I guess that is because our Neko was out colrd, and you were awake. Yet as soon as you were with Hercures again, you were back to yourserf; A rittle bit more paranoid, but stirr yourserf. Why is that? What fixed the damage we did? Is it because of your different genetics and anatomy? Maybe we'rr find out in a bit?"

Now Sadiq felt the goosebumps. It was true, about what Kuro said. He was technically broken by Luciano and Lutz. It wasn't fun. But Kuro might have a different idea about "brokenness" than Sadiq. Sadiq was actually drugged. There is such a thing as catnip for dogs. It's called anise.

Anise is a type of spice that can trigger the same effect on dogs that catnip has on cats. It's a drug meant for canine hybrids such as Inus, wolf hybrids, coyote hybrids, and Kitsune. Sadiq couldn't remember much. His head hurt. His sight was blurry. But he did remember being a lot more like his animal counterpart. Sadiq also remembered that he said your name.

The next time Sadiq came through, he felt so guilty. He doesn't know everything he said or did, but that almost makes it worse.

"It almost burns when you touch it..." Kuro murmured to himself. He was looking at the container that held the strange pills. "At reast it does not affect me. It's hybrid poison..."

Both hybrids were visibly anxious and nervous. The last sentence set them off.

"Feta Bread, we may not always get along, but I've always seen you as a friend..." Sadiq whispered. "Why do you think I followed you into that creepy portal you made? I care about you."

"Don't lie to me, we might die here." Hercules's ears were flattened against his head. It wasn't out of annoyance or anger, though. "But I kinda always felt the same way. I think our pride and ego got in the way of a friendship. We've known each other for years. We share more similarities than differences." Hercules turned his head. "I hate to admit it though..."

"Neither of you are going to die. Just shut up. If you risten to me, you wirr be fine." Kuro said, breaking the silence. He went over to another table and grabbed two pairs of headphones. They weren't connected to anything so Hercules and Sadiq assumes that they were wireless. "Put these on. Press this button." Kuro lazily clutched a clipboard in one hand, and a pen in the other. He motioned for the hybrids to follow his words.

Back in their dimension, headphones came in all sorts of shapes and sizes. However, actual headphones were not always universal. Earbuds were much more common and useful. They could be put into the hybrid's ear with ease. The big bulky headphones that Kuro handed to them would be used for show, mostly. Thankfully, Sadiq and Hercules could wear them. (Not every hybrid could.)

The Neko flattened his ears. The ear chamber rested on top of them. Sadiq did the same. They felt around the sides for anything that would turn the object on. With little time spent, they found a circular button. Shrugging, both of them pressed it.

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