Matching Pajamas

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*Takes place during their reality show 'One Dream'*

*No Ones P.O.V*

As they let Daerong past so he could pick which room he stays in and randomly who he rooms with for the rest of the tour. He walks by all the rooms to see what movies they all had on them. "Let me see: Home Alone, The Avengers, and The Intern. I've never really watched any of these movies. Soooo, I will pick the only one that I've halfway watched." He says as he walks to the door labeled 'Home Alone'.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" He said as he walked in. "Argghh!" He hears from two people as they fall from behind the wall and onto the ground. "No, why did you come in here, it is so crowded." Beomgyu says sounding playfully annoyed. "Yeah, no one wants you here, go to a different room." Yeonjun adds in. "Don't get so mad at me. If I knew that you two were in here I would of surely went somewhere else." Daerong says starting to sound defensive. "But now I can't because I already walked in." "Calm down, we are just kidding." Yeonjun says. "Yeah, whatever." Daerong says rolling his eyes, as he puts his stuff away.

*Time Skip*

As they all lay in the same bed with Daerong laying on Beomgyu he thinks about something that sparks his memory. "That's right." He says out loud interrupting their conversation and hoping off of the bed rushing over to where he put his stuff. Beomgyu and Yeonjun look at each other in confusion as their group mate eagerly looks through his stuff. "What are you looking for?" Yeonjun asked him. "I am looking for..." He says trailing off "This." As he says that he pulls out a pair of pajamas, and another pair, and another pair. They all match each other. "Look." He says holding them up. "Matching pajamas. For all of us." he says cutely with a big smile on his face.

" he says cutely with a big smile on his face

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"Oh no. Ugh. Why?" Where some of the things that came out of their mouths when Daerong told them why he brought them. "Come on. Wouldn't it be fun and cute to wear matching pajamas?" "Not, really." Beomgyu says. "Well, if everyone else in the group was wearing them then it would not be so bad." Yeonjun said. "Yeah, I had that idea in my mind but I am going to do that later on. Either next night or next city. Right now it is just you two. So, please?" Daerong asked with big puppy eyes.

"Ugh! Sure, I'll wear them." Yeonjun says regretfully getting out of the bed and walking over to Daerong, getting a pair of the pajamas from him. Daerong then turns his attention to Beomgyu with bigger puppy eyes. "Please!" He says. Beomgyu gave out a big huff. "Fine. I'll wear them too." He says grabbing a pair as well. "Yay!" He exclaimed with a big smile on his face. Giving him the other pair of pajamas to Beomgyu.

*After They All Get Changed*

"Look at us matching. Don't we all look cute." He say's as they all take their spots back on the bed. "Of course we do." Beomgyu tells him in a lackluster tone.  "Whatever." Daerong says as he turns to a camera in the corner of the wall. "Nameless fandom what do you think? Aren't we adorable?" He asks doing ageyo to the camera.

"Ahh. Don't call them that." Yeonjun scolds him, with the sound of Bemgyu laughing in the background. "What do you mean?" He says turning around to face Yeonjun on the bed. "That sounds mean like your mocking them." He says starting to laugh at what his younger said. He gets up from the bed and walks over to Daerong. "Please cut that out. I don't want that in there." He says looking up at the camera shaking his head making a turn it off motion. "Dae, just come and go to sleep with me. The lack of it has really changed you." He says pulling Daerong to his bed. "This is why babies can't stay up past their bedtimes. They start acting up." "What? No, your taking it out of context. I didn't mean it like that and I stay up all the time, this is nothing to me." He says in protest to Yeonjun.

"Plus I can't go to sleep. I have to much energy." He says as he starts jumping on Yeonjuns bed. "I'm like an energetic child." "You are an energetic child though." Beomgyu jumps in. "I mean your not an adult since your not 20." "He's got a point." Yeonjun says matter-of-factly. "Actually, I am an adult since we are in America and 18 is when your are an adult here." He tells them in his usual know it all voice when he is or thinks he is right. "If we go by the American system then your still not old enough because you would be a year younger at 17." Yeonjun replies to him. "Yeah, because if you are what they call an adult then they need to change the age limit." Beomgyu says getting under the covers of the hotel bed."

"Wait, are you trying to go to sleep?" Daerong asks him in disbelief. "Yes, because even if I am an adult I still want to sleep." He say's "unlike the child in this room." "Hey, th-" "Shhh. I am trying to go to sleep." Beomgyu says turning over in the bed. "Ah!" Daerong exclaims surprised by what he said. "Yeonjunie-hyungie." He say's to Yeonjun hoping that he would back him up. "He's right about that Dae." He tells Daerong as he also gets under his covers. "Ugh. Fine." He tells them both pouting as he gets in bed with Yeonjun, cuddling up close next to him. "Goodnight." He tells them. "Night. Goodnight." They say to him back.

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