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Yeonjun x Daerong

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Yeonjun x Daerong

The Clingy Skinship Couple


First things first Daerong is a really touchy feely person, skinship is very important to him, and he has the most skinship with Yeonjun. Most times when he can be found with Yeonjun they are showing some type of skinship whether they are holding hands, sitting on each others lap, have their arms connected, cuddling each other, or etc. He is also very clingy to him too. Thanks to the behind the scene videos Moa and other people can see that the pair can mostly be found next to each other. And if they are not together then Yeonjun will most likely ask around on where Daerong is. Daerong is clingiest to Yeonjun because he feels safest around him. Which stems from Yeonjun being the oldest, strongest, most intimidating, and there for him/taking care for him when he needed it during his trainee days .

In their relationship Daerong is the panicked-gay and Yeonjun is the confident gay. If Daerong tries to flirt with Yeonjun, which is something he does a lot, Yeonjun will flirt back doing something that will make him panic. Most times he will try to stand his ground and flirt back but that only leads to him being even more flustered.

Soobin x Daerong

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Soobin x Daerong

The Sweet Couple


This couple is fluffier and sweeter than cotton candy. This is the couple that MOA freaks out over because they are so cute and innocent. They can of course be found cuddling up to each other on a couch during their break. They are the ones who give each other the most compliments, are constantly together and help each other out. During their trainee days Soobin was always there and took care of Daerong because he was so young and cute. At first he was confused and weirded out by it because he never really had anyone outside of his family take care of him, but he soon stared to get use to the attention and saw Soobin as his caretaker and older brother. He was even the one to get Soobin started on his obsession of bread. After Hueningkai brought it back a couple of times Daerong never got around to liking it but saw how much Soobin loved it. So, everyday after school he would go to and get Soobin different types of bread products for him to eat. Soobin might be Huening's gum but he is Daerong's caramel.

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