Late Night Problems

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*Takes place during their trainee days*

An anxious and angry duo wait impatiently in the living room of their apartment for a certain someone to finally come back home. A scene like two parents waiting for their teenage child to come home. Yes, exactly like that. After hours of waiting the door finally opens for the boy of the hour at 4:46 A.M.

"Daerong, what are you doing coming home this late. You said that you would be back at 10 P.M. sharp, look at the time. This is ridiculous.You shouldn't be out that late. You should of been home when you told us you would." Yeonjun tells him sounding angry. "Yeah," Soobin joins in. "Everyone wanted to stay up and wait for you to come back but they all fell asleep because it too you too long. Why didn't you let anyone know that you were staying late. We were so worried we thought something bad happened."

"Woah, calm down. Why didn't you call me to see what happened." Daerong said tiredly confused by the two boys and their emotions. " I texted you telling you that I would be late and you could of called me-" "NO!" Yeonjun yelled. "Shhhhh." Soobin tells him, wanting him to quiet down for the younger members sleeping in the next room over. "Sorry Soobin. What I mean is you never texted any of us and your phone went straight to voicemail." "Really." Daerong says as he takes his phone out to see that it was off. "Hmm. I guess it died. Let me see if I didn't text you."

Yeonjun angrily took out his phone to show how he didn't get anything while Soobin showed the same thing. "Oh, sorry about that. I guess I should of payed more attention. Anyway, I need to go to bed. I'm tired." He says yarning. "No your not. We are going to have a talk." "What do you mean. What for?" Daerong asked confused. "I mean what were you thinking being so sloppy like this and not letting us know anything. Soobin was so worried about you, it took us forever to calm him down. Hueningkai went to sleep thinking you were dead or kidnapped. Taehyun just fell asleep but still has school in a few hours and won't do well today because of that. And Beomgyu went out for three hours walking up and down the streets looking for you LITERALLY called out your name. We all did so much and wasted so much time on you. Just for you to come back oblivious to all the problems you caused." Yeonjun said trying not to make too much noise for the sake of the younger ones sleeping.

"Problems that I caused. I didn't cause any of these problems you guys are the ones who chose to do all of that. You could of done nothing." He says starting to get mad. Why was Yeonjun blaming him for things they all chose to do on their own. They didn't have to care for him and they could of did nothing and just went to sleep. "No, no. He did not mean to blame you. Its just that it's dangerous for you to be walking alone at night like this. We didn't know what could of happened to you especially since your phone was off and we never heard anything from you since we left you alone at the studio." Soobin spoke trying to keep everyone calm, not wanting things to turn ugly.

"Why does it matter if I stay out late. I lived in America for so long and it is way dangerous there than it is here." "That means nothing to me! Being out late at night is still dangerous, no matter where we are. Especially for a little kid like you. You still have school today what are you going to do about that. Your going to be sleepy and falling asleep all day. You won't pay attention to anything." "Little kid like me." Just by looking at Daerong's face you could tell that he was hurt by Yeonjun's words. "That's crazy for you to say that because you might have the age of an adult, but you never act like one. Most of the time I act more like an adult than you do.  More than you ever could." "Oh, he doesn't mean that, he's just-" "No, I mean that. I mean every word I said. He tries to act so grown, but Hueningkai can be more adult like than him. He tries to have a hold on the group but he doesn't and can't. No one wants to listen to him. He can't make anyone listen to him." Daerong replied agitating Yeonjun. He than starts to walk to the front door. Wanting to be anywhere else but in this apartment.

Yeonjun quickly walks to the front door and stands in front of it to block it and stop Daerong from leaving. "You know what I might not ACT like it be I am an Adult and I'm your Hyung and you will fucking listen to me." Yeonjun says, anger easily heard in his voice. "It is 5 A.M. in the morning and you are not going anywhere. I won't let you go anywhere. So I suggest that you go to our room and sleep for the next few hours before you go to school. Because that is your only option." Daerong stares at Yeonjun angrily before muttering a curse under his breathe and stomping over to their shared bedroom. Slamming the door in the process.

Only waking up Hueningkai while the others jumped a little bit. "Ahhh, Dae Hyung. Your finally-." "Huening, can I sleep with you. I'm really.... exhausted." "Sure, but what happened. You look so, I don't even know." "I'll talk about it in the morning. I just really need to fall asleep." "Sure, ok." Hueningkai says as he pulls back his covers for Daerong to get in with him. Today was going to be a long and difficult day.

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