Late Night Problems {2}

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The morning after

The morning after Daerong could not wake himself up like he usually could, maybe the argument with Yeonjun tired him out. Heuingkai had to keep shaking him so he could stay up while getting ready for school. Lucky for him though Yeonjun woke up before him and stayed away, mostly in the kitchen with Soobin and Taehyun for breakfast. Maybe that is why Daerong is fine with being so slow this morning, the more time he takes the less he will have to be around Yeonjun. As he finishes getting ready he hurries back to the shared bedroom to hide. Soon after he enters the bedroom door opens up to reveal one of his friends. One who he is not mad at.

"Dae Hyung. I brought back a pop-tart for you from the kitchen." Hueningkai says holding out a pack of two strawberry pop-tarts. "Thanks Huening. Are you ready to go to walk to school yet? I'll drop you of first." Daerong tells Hueningkai managing a smile on his face as he gets ready to leave for school. "Ok." The pair leave out of the shared bedroom and walk past the kitchen on their way to the front door. "Bye. Hyung's were leaving to walk to school." Hueningkai says waving to everyone in the kitchen with enthusiasm. While Daerong walks behind him closing the door without saying "goodbye" to anyone in the kitchen, a certain someone let's out a loud huff from what Dae did.

"Dae Hyung. Do you think you can tell me what took you so long last night and why things seemed tense this morning. I really thought that you were dead and I'll never see you again?" Hueninkai asked bear-hugging him while they walked to his school together. "Uhh, your so cute and annoying. " Daerong says cracking a smile as he continues to walk with a whole human being weighing him down. "Tell me what happened Hyung. Don't get distracted! But thanks." Hueningkai saying getting off of Daerong.

"Ok ok, I just came home a little bit late and Yeonjun Hyung got mad then cursed and yelled at me." Hueningkai suddenly stops walking and starts to speak, sounding serious this time. "You sure that's it. That doesn't sound like Yeonjun Hyung." "It-I-." Daerong stops beside Hueningkai and takes a breath, not liking his sudden tone change. "Uhh, it's not." He takes another breathe and starts to walk again. "I came home way to late for it to be ok and we got into an argument. He said some things. I said some things and we both got mad."

"What was said." "Things like, I am just a dumb kid and that he is more of a child than an adult." "Oh, so that's why he asked us that?" "Asked what?" "This morning when I went to get breakfast he asked us if we thought he acted to immature to be our oldest." "Great, now I'm making him question himself and I haven't even talked to him yet." "If I had my younger tell me that. I would be hurt too." Daerong rolled his eye's at Huening's comment. "What about me? He said rude things and started it all." "I'm sure he didn't mean it. He wouldn't be rude to us for no reason. What made he say that?"

Daerong continues to walk while he thinks back to the argument a few hours ago. "He said something in regards to, it being too dangerous for me to be out that late and how I caused everyone so much trouble." "We all were really worried when it took you so long. Your phone wasn't even working." "You didn't have to worry for me. You could of just not cared and went to sleep on time. I would of came back." "We are friends who live together. We can't help but worry for you when things like that happen. We don't have to be blood related to care about about each other." "Of course I know that! It's just. Nothing, nevermind." "Daerong Hyung, you can't just keep all of your emotions bottled up like that. You need to let us know what bothers you, don't let your emotions hold you back."

Daerong continued to walk as he though a little bit on what Hueningkai said and let out out a sound. "Anyway, what did Soobin say to Yeonjun after he said that, if anything at all." "Huh?" Hueningkai says confused. "Well, Soobin was there when we argued and tried to keep the peace but failed." "Oh, that makes sense he did say something like 'He didn't truly mean it, you know how he struggles with that.'" "He might be right about that." Daerong whispers under his breathe. "I am going to apologize to Soobin Hyung, because I feel bad for arguing in front of him."

"What about Yeonjun Hyung. Remember you two were the ones who did actually have a fight." Daerong doesn't answer him and continues walking forward. "Dae Hyu-" "Hueningkai, let's just stop talking about this I want to enjoy this day." He says cutting Hueningkai off picking up the pace to get to the school faster.

As they near the school entrance to Hueningkai's school Daerong stops at the front and watches Hueningkai enter the building before he starts his way to his school. During the walk there he there all he could really think to himself was. "What am I going to do now?"

As Dae peacefully naps he hears someone calling him. "Hey, Oppa! Dae Oppa! Wake up. Ugghh, Stupid! Wake up!" He flinches awake in his seat from the loud wake up call. He looks up to see one of his close friends staring down at him. "Oh. Hi Jandi." He says waving to her. "Thanks for waking me up. I would of been late meeting Huening. See you tomorrow." He say's jumping up out of his seat getting his stuff together in a rush.

"Hey, calm down. You've been really off today. You wanna tell me what's going on?" "Huh." He say's quietly. " I can't get anything past you can I?" She shakes her head. "Me and my roommate got into a fight. Well, argument." Dae say's sitting back down into his chair. "Wanna talk about it? You've been really busy ever since you were put into that group." "Only if you buy me strawberry Boba at that one shop. I have to meet someone there anyway." Dae says with a pout on his face. Jandi scoffs at his expression. "Sure, I don't wanna go home just yet anyway." Dae gains a small smile on his face as he finishes packing up his school stuff.

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