#9 - Loan Sharks

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Chapter 9 - Lone Sharks
published: Wednesday, 26 February 2020

"Hey," Annabeth murmured into her phone as she quickly made her way out of the living room.

Percy's voice responded almost instantly. "Hello."

"What's up?"

"Uh," he said uncertainly. "This is kind of a heads-up phone call."

Annabeth felt her limbs stiffen.

Over the last few weeks, they'd come up with an efficient system of dealing with Percy's injuries. Due to her insistence, Percy now gave her a call almost immediately after Gabe beat him, or if he knew it was coming, a "heads-up call" before that.

"Oh God," she sighed nervously. "What happened this time?"

Percy was silent for a moment, which only made the shivers down her spine much more prominent.

"Percy," Annabeth demanded more decisively. "What is it?"

There came a shaky exhale over the phone. "Gabe borrowed money from a guy a while ago, and he's late to pay him back. He's sending me to tell him."

The blood rushed from her face. "What?" Annabeth gasped. "Percy, are you out of your mind?" She clenched a fist so hard her knuckles turned white. "These are loan sharks.  They're gonna kill you!"

"It's not like I have a choice, Annabeth!" he replied helplessly.

Another pause.

"Truthfully, I'm a little scared," Percy confessed.

Annabeth felt her heart clench for the boy who had to suffer because he didn't have another choice.

"Percy, you can't do this," she warned. "Get the police — someone!" Annabeth cried. "They'll kill you!"

A click reverberated in her brain, signalling that Percy had hung up.

Her hands trembled as Annabeth collapsed against the kitchen counter, her mind racing at a mile a minute.

"I-I have to go," Annabeth stammered as she ran out to the living room, grabbing her bag.

Jason reaches out and steadied her. "What—" His expression altered into one of concern when he saw her face. "Annabeth, you look like you've seen a ghost."

She ran a hand through her hair, tugging helplessly. "I can't—I have to go."

"What happened?" Piper asked worriedly. "Annabeth, what's going on? You're scaring us."

"Percy's in trouble," Annabeth blurted out. She groaned frustratedly. "He's such an idiot, and he's gonna get himself killed."

Jason paled. Annabeth gave him a grim look to confirm that she wasn't joking.

"What did he do?" Jason demanded. "Annabeth, I told you he was trouble!"

"It's not his fault!" Annabeth yelled. Taking a deep breath, Annabeth sink into the couch with her head in her hands. She couldn't tell them. She wanted to explain so badly, but it wasn't her secret to tell.

"He's being..." she trailed off. "Blackmailed," Annabeth finished vaguely. "If he doesn't do what they want, they'll hurt someone he cares about." She glanced up warily. "I can't explain everything right now. But please, please trust me on this." 

The other three exchanged doubtful looks, but there was a silent agreement amongst them — Annabeth was telling the truth. Annabeth wasn't sure if she'd ever been this horrified about something. It was a lot worse than a bad grade or rumours around the school.

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