#24 - Pancake Saturday

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Chapter 24 - Pancake Saturday
published: Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Her heartbeat in her ears, Annabeth found herself gazing right into Percy's eyes as they drew apart, still just close enough to touch.

It was like staring into the ocean, all churning waves and undiscovered crevices.

Then the image of Percy's shocked expression when she'd first kissed him ricocheted through Annabeth's mind, sending her world crashing down.

No, no, what had she done?

"I'm so sorry," Annabeth blurted out, stepping away from him and covering her face in her hands.

Hurt rippled across his face. "What?"

Oh God, she'd completely freaked him out, hadn't she?

"I shouldn't have done that," she rushed embarrassedly. "It was the heat of the moment — please, Percy, it-it didn't mean anything, I swear."

Percy's face crumpled momentarily, but it disappeared so quickly that Annabeth thought she must've imagined it.

"Can we please just forget I did that?" Annabeth pleaded desperately. "You're one of my best friends, I-I can't lose you."

If lying about her feelings meant that she'd get to keep Percy just a little longer, well, Annabeth was okay with that.

The rain matted her hair before she stepped under the shelter of her driveway, biting her lip as she tried to put distance between them.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Percy," Annabeth's voice cracked. "Please say something."

He looked at her painfully. "You-you just want to go back to normal? Pretend it never happened?"

Annabeth swallowed. Of course, she didn't. But clearly, he didn't feel the same way, and she'd punch a wall if she messed everything up by making a tiny mistake like this. "If-if you'd like that."

She couldn't read his expression through the sleets of raining pounding down, but she did hear his voice, "O-okay." He sounded so lost that it made her wince.

"Bye, Percy," she murmured. Annabeth turned away from him, ducking her head to hide the agony that was surely written all over her face.

Only when she had slammed the door behind her did Annabeth collapse onto the couch and allow herself to process what had just happened.

She'd just kissed Percy. "Oh my God," Annabeth whimpered. "What the hell have I done?"

Neither of them had expected it. Gun to her head, Annabeth would have to admit that it was the best damn kiss she'd ever had.

But it was marred by the conversation that followed. Her heart hammered against her ribcage like it was ready to tear itself out. Would he think of her differently? Would things be weird between them? Could they even still be friends?

"Annabeth?" The lights in the living room flickered on to reveal Helen standing in the corridor and looking down at her in surprise. "You're back early."

Annabeth glanced at the clock. 12.35am. What a great start to the new day. She rolled over onto her back to stare hopelessly at the ceiling.

"I did something really, really stupid," she said miserably. The couch sunk down as Helen sat down by her head.

Annabeth shifted into Helen's side, hugging her like she was her lifeline.

"Hey," Helen said softly. "Whatever the issue is, will it matter in a month's time?"

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