#46 - Dates and Bait

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Chapter 46 - Dates and Bait
published: Wednesday, 4 November 2020

happy election night everyone!


"One scoop of blueberry and one of mango, please," Annabeth said, handing over a wad of cash to the cashier. His eyes flickered between Percy and her, and the corner of his mouth quirked up.

It always made Annabeth laugh when people thought they were a cute couple.

When they got their ice cream, Percy directed them to one of the tables outside. Annabeth had only been in this ice cream shop for five minutes and she was already in love with the place.

There was a recurring pastel theme throughout the shop, and of course, Percy chose the pastel blue chairs and table outside the shop for them to sit in.

"Dork," she told him meaningfully as she sat down in the chair and placed his blueberry ice cream on his side of the table.

Percy stared at the ice cream. "You remembered my order."

Annabeth dug into her ice cream. "Of course, I did. You're my boyfriend."

"We haven't been out for ice cream since that first time in the park," Percy pointed out. He tried for a knowing look. "I knew you were hopelessly in love with me since the start."

Annabeth snorted. "Sure." As she returned to her ice cream, she was peripherally aware of Percy still gazing curiously at her.

"Okay, that's going to get annoying quickly," Annabeth said. "You want to say something. Say it."

"Don't blame me for being a bit anxious," Percy protested. "We're supposed to be baiting a mob boss. How are you relaxed right now?"

"The amount of stress I experienced during the college application process?" Annabeth reminded him. "Nothing will ever top that. Someone could mug be in the street and I'd smile at them."

They'd been out a lot on James and Sabrina's instruction. Sometimes Percy went alone, sometimes Annabeth went alone, but on times like today, they got to be together in a high-pressure situation on a tip-off that Mortelli was supposed to be in Queens. Fun.

"Might as well take this time to talk," Percy suggested.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "Really."

"We've barely seen each other," Percy insisted. "School's been busy, and sending in our college decision. I mean, you're gonna have to pack for Yale soon—"

"Mhm," Annabeth interrupted, staring down at her ice cream. It was melting now, in the heat of late May, and she set her spoon down.

"Something's bothering you," Percy said sternly. "Are we going to ignore it or talk about it?"

"Well, clearly you won't let me ignore it," she grumbled.

Percy's nose scrunched up. "Is this about what Sloan said the other day? About us," Percy blushed. "You know. Not having had sex yet."

"You blush like you're a nun," Annabeth informed him. Actually, that hadn't been what she'd been thinking about, but...it was one of the issues she'd been dwelling on lately.

Matt Sloan had always been a dick, but over the last few weeks, he'd been even more of a dick than normal. Probably because he hadn't been accepted into any colleges.

Served him right, in Annabeth's opinion. He'd spent his entire high school life bullying anyone he thought inferior. Karma, really.

Whatever it was, Matt had been giving them a hard time whenever their paths crossed. Teasing Annabeth about being a prude, taunting Percy about their relationship not being serious enough.

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