#20 - It Was Always Percy, Wasn't It?

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Chapter 20 - It Was Always Percy, Wasn't It?
published: Friday, 17 April 2020

Annabeth burst into Piper's living room like a whirlwind prepared to wreak havoc upon some very unfortunate souls.

Jason, who was sitting on the couch, sprang to his feet, mouth agape as she blustered through, heart hammering and face pale, her eyes darting in every direction.

"Annabeth?" Leo said in confusion as he stepped out of the kitchen, Calypso behind him. "But your date—"

"Where's Percy?" Annabeth demanded, her grey eyes narrowed as she did a quick visual sweep of the room. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Is he okay?"

The desperation in her voice seeped through the cracks. She tried her best to swallow down the sudden urge to cry.

"He's in the guest room," Jason said warily. "He's fine—"

Annabeth practically shoved her way past her friends, frantically hurrying up the steps.

The car ride here had been a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Worry, feverish crushes and bewilderment had ruled her thoughts as the cab zoomed through the streets, headlights piercing the darkness the only thing she was capable of focusing on.

"Annabeth," Piper called worriedly. Annabeth could hear the other girl's footsteps as she followed suit. "What happened with Luke? What's going on—"

The door slammed open with a deafening "bang!" as Annabeth arrived breathlessly to the moment she's been anticipating for the last few minutes. Tension gripped her tightly and refused to let go.

Percy was sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard and his face scrunched up torturously.

Feeling her heart cleave in two, Annabeth ignored the throbbing in her chest as she stared at him.

A thin sheen of perspiration on his tanned skin and clammy features told her just how bad it had gotten. Painful pants escaped his lips as Percy struggled to level his gaze upon her.

One hand on the door frame and the other hanging helplessly, Annabeth took in a shuddering breath.

One glance and Frank knew that he was way out of his limit. Annabeth was grateful when he left, taking Piper with him, leaving her alone with Percy.

They needed to talk.

As she shut the door behind her with a soft click, Annabeth blurted out, "I'm sorry." Her intentions of sounding decisive went down the drain when a hysterical half-sob escaped her and Annabeth slumped against the wall behind her.

She wanted to slide to the ground and huddle into a foetal position, but Annabeth forced herself to remain standing. It was the only chance she had of not completely breaking down.

"For what I said," Annabeth continued forlornly. "And for arguing with you." She paused, clenching her hands into a fist when she read into the hurt in his eyes. "It was stupid. I-I was stupid."

There were moments of silence that dragged on for eternities before Percy shifted and the creaking of the bed interrupted the charged atmosphere.

"We both were," Percy said quietly. He discreetly picked at the bedsheet. "I'm sorry I ruined your date."

Annabeth shook her head with a mirthless laugh. "You didn't. I broke it off with Luke."

Even as she carefully avoided his gaze, studying the floor underneath her shoes, Annabeth could feel the astonishment turned on her and the million questions that followed in his head.

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