#11 - The Unexpected Play

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Chapter 11 - The Unexpected Play
published: Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Annabeth scoured the stands with her gaze before spotting Piper in the bleachers, her cheerleader uniform peeking out from under her hoodie.

"Hey," she panted, jogging up to her friend.

Piper gave her a greeting hug, careful to avoid the wound. "You're late," she accused with a frown. "You missed our routine."

Annabeth winced. "Sorry, sorry, I'm here now. I did promise Jason I'd be here for the first game of the season." She peered over Piper's shoulder, reading the words on the hoodie she was wearing. It was Jason's, and Piper always wore some sort of the team's memorabilia when she came to cheer him on.

Leo stood to Piper's left, and he waved in greeting.

Annabeth scanned the field to spot her friends. They were warming up, all chattery and nervous for their first game.

Percy, who was the quarterback, stood next to the coach, talking in low tones as they reviewed plays. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration she'd never seen him portray doing anything else.

As if by telepathy, Percy glanced up to see her, and his features instantaneously brightened into a grin. Annabeth hid a smile, flashing him a thumbs-up.

Her gaze sidled to the rest of the team. Jason was speaking to Beckendorf as they did short laps of the field. Frank was off to one side, stretching, probably rerunning the plays in his head.

Luke Castellan and Matt Sloan were there too. Once upon a time, seeing Luke, his windswept blonde hair and piercing blue eyes would've made Annabeth's heart do somersaults in her chest. In all honesty, she didn't feel that way about him anymore.

In the corner of her eye, Annabeth caught a glimpse of a familiar head of frizzy, brown hair. It was Hazel, scouring the stands for a place to sit.

"Do you want to ask her to sit with us?" Piper whispered, having seen the other girl as well.

Annabeth eyed the rest of the students in the bleachers. Practically the entire school was here. Students who would, without a doubt, talk about them at the first chance they got.

"Yeah," Annabeth said, ignoring her own thoughts. Hazel was great, and definitely worth getting a few stares. "Hey, Hazel!"

She waved her arms around like a lunatic until the other spotted her, cracking a smile at the sight. Piper beckoned her vigorously, gesturing to the seat next to them.

"Hello," Hazel said cheerfully. "Didn't realise you guys would be here." As Leo shuffled up to make space, Hazel slid into the seat on Annabeth's right.

"Supporting Jason," Annabeth explained. She peered round Hazel's back. "Ah, I see you're wearing Frank's hoodie."

Hazel smiled. "Yeah." She high-fived Piper when she spotted Jason's hoodie on her.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." The speakers boomed deafeningly.

"It's starting, it's starting!" Piper said excitedly, clutching the bar in front of her.

"Give it up for...the Blue Devils!"

Celebratory music blasted as their school team burst out from below. Since they were seated in the first row, Annabeth could see everything as it happened.

She cheered and screamed till she felt her throat go hoarse.

The boys jogged out in their gear, blue jerseys and numbers on display.

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