#25 - Prom Night

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Chapter 25 - Prom Night
published: Thursday, 23 April 2020

Percy always counted down the days till summer, and he had finally reached the last day.

It marked nine days since his kiss with Annabeth.

Unfortunately, the awkwardness hadn't completely relented. It definitely didn't help that one of their friends would send suggestive winks their way whenever they were within a foot of each other.

On the other hand, it was getting better. Percy found it even more impossible than before to act normally around Annabeth when he was spiralling deeper into his feelings for her everyday.

Not to mention that summer would pull them apart for 10 whole weeks, with Percy working summer jobs left and right, and Annabeth off touring Europe with her family.

He couldn't even begin to fathom not seeing her face-to-face for such a long time. Before, maybe they could've texted and called, but now? They couldn't even speak to each other without someone else acting as a buffer.

On another note, today also marked prom night for juniors and seniors. It was momentous, according to Silena, since it was Percy's first time going stag to a school dance.

He hadn't even considered asking anyone else until Piper innocently (not) brought the subject up at lunch the other day, using Rachel as a suggestion.

That had ended with a lot of mumbling and embarrassed "no"s.

This school year had definitely been the best one of his life, not just because of Annabeth, but because of the new friends he'd made. Percy didn't know if he could survive two whole months alone with Gabe and his mum after that.

"Okay, don't stare, okay?" Piper told Percy as she climbed into Jason's car. The four of them, including Annabeth, were driving to prom together. The three girls had gotten ready at Annabeth's house together, but Frank had already driven to pick up Hazel, and Leo was meeting them there. "I work miracles," Piper informed the two boys smugly.

Percy furrowed his brow in confusion, but when his gaze flickered to the door, his eyes widened in awe.

Annabeth looked like she belonged on a runway in Paris. Piper had done something to her hair; put it up in a messy bun in the back of her head. With everything, Percy liked that she still wore her favourite owl earrings; a small piece of herself. Piper had also clearly chosen Annabeth's dress, which was a pretty blue and brushed past her ankles.

Percy glanced down at his tie — one of Jason's — which matched Annabeth's dress perfectly. "I feel betrayed, Jason."

"You'll thank me later," Jason whispered as the car door clicked open and Annabeth slid into the seat beside Percy.

"You look like you're ready to leap out the window, Percy," Annabeth said absent-mindedly. "Relax, it's not like I have a disease."

Percy saw Piper's eyebrows shoot skywards in the driver's mirror, matching his own surprise perfectly.

Annabeth seemed to realise the humour she'd let slip without much thinking, and she blushed, falling silent and looking out the window.

When they arrived at the dance, Percy was surprised to see how well the students had done up the place. Beckendorf was on the committee (by Silena's force), so he made a mental note to tease him about it later.

"Picture! Picture!" Clarisse yelled, stopping Percy short from escape with the evil eye. "C'mon, do it, or Silena really will have my head."

Percy glanced at Annabeth, and they made a silent agreement. A truce, for tonight.

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