02. Into The Depths

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For a moment, I can't move.

Sweat coats my forehead, plastering my hair to my skin. My heart is pounding so fast that it actually hurts, as though it is trying to break free from my chest. I'm trembling, shaking so hard my entire body convulses with every heavy breath.

Dream. It was just a dream.

Then why did it feel so real?

I can still feel the chill in the air, the water lapping against my arms. I can still see the snow blanketing the ground and my friend's dead bodies floating five metres away from me. I can see Rhea's golden halo and Saige's dark one. I can remember the terror that overtook all my other senses.

Just a dream.

As if to reassure me that I am now awake, my phone rings, obnoxiously loud in the otherwise still room. I find it hard to convince myself to move my arms and reach for it, my heart still thudding uncomfortably against my rib cage.

Saige's name flashes across the screen as I grab it in my unsteady hands. I swipe to answer the call, a breath of relief escaping my lips as soon as I hear her voice.

"Wake up sleepy head!"

Saige has always been a morning person. Even during the summer, when there's no school and most people prefer to sleep in, she's up early, full of energy and ready to start her day. I don't even bother to set an alarm anymore, knowing that she will call me early enough to wake me up in time for work.


I, on the other hand, love to sleep. Normally her morning calls leave me grouchy and wishing for a snooze button. But today, with the remnants of my nightmare still clouding my mind, hearing her on the other end of the phone has me smiling.

"We're still on for tonight right?"

I sift through the fog in my brain, trying to remember what plans we are supposed to have. I vaguely recall her mentioning a party at the lake house, but I'm not sure if that was supposed to be today or tomorrow.

She takes my silence as hesitance. "I know that things have been difficult after what happened. But you can't stay cooped up forever. I promised you a fun summer and so far all we've done is watch way too many movies."

"Movie nights are fun." I swallow hard, regret lodging itself in my throat. It's too early in the morning for a reminder of what happened.

"So are parties," she counters. "Besides, Carter will be there."


I told you before, I don't like him.

Even in my dreams I am too scared to face my real feelings. His absence in it both worries me and fills me with relief. I can't remember the last time we went to the lake without him there. Although given what happened, I am glad that he wasn't.

It wasn't real Audrey. It was a dream.

"Are you okay?" Saige's voice has turned from playful to concerned. "If you don't want to go, we don't have to. We can stay in; watch that new horror movie you've been nagging me to see. I would understand completely."

"No," I try, but it's hard to speak past the lump in my throat. "No. We should go."

"Only if you're sure?"

"I'm sure."

I can't hide forever.

In winter, Woodgrove is a small, quiet town on the edge of the mountains

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In winter, Woodgrove is a small, quiet town on the edge of the mountains. Its snow covered landscapes are picturesque, perfect for the back of postcards. In summer, it thrives, as though it has been brought back to life. Tourists wander the streets in droves, filling the many hotels and lodges until they become over booked.

Arcadia Lake is at the centre of it all. Its shores are often littered with people, sunbathing, reading and picnicking. Its waters are filled with swimmers, splashing and playing underwater sports. The lake house on the far right is the ultimate place for teenagers to have a few drinks away from the watchful eyes of their parents.

The street leading up to Arcadia is lined with souvenir shops, most items boasting pictures of the lake. At the very end, is the ice cream parlour where I make two dollars an hour serving scoops of over-priced gelato.

"Rough night?" Marjorie, the owner says as soon as I step through the doors. She has never been one to waste time with pleasantries, preferring to jump straight into conversations.

"Bad dream," I shrug, attempting to appear nonchalant, but my nightmare still haunts me. I know that I look terrible. My auburn hair is dull and lifeless, hastily thrown up into a messy pony tail. The heavy bags under my dark brown eyes stand out against my pale skin. I look as though I haven't slept for a week.

I feel even worse.

"Grab a coffee from the back," she smiles at me and pats my shoulder. "That should perk you right up."

And so I do, savouring the scalding liquid as it warms me from the inside. It does make me feel better. I regret rushing this morning after spending too long in the shower and not having enough time to have one before I came to work.

I pull on my crisp blue apron with the unoriginal name 'Scoops' emblazoned across it in silver, and head to the front. The mindless task of serving ice cream and accepting money from tourists distracts me from my thoughts for a while, and I am grateful that we are busy today.

That is, until Carter Jacobs walks in. I can almost feel the air shift when he is in my proximity. His jet black hair is cropped close to his head. I can just make out the edges of his tattoo under his white shirt. His smile makes my knees wobble and my brain turn to mush.

His eyes are as blue as Arcadia Lake.

"Audrey, hey." He grins at me and I feel myself melt, much like the ice cream will if I don't put a cover on it soon. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Yes, fancy that. Especially in the place where I work." I raise an eyebrow at him, but really, I'm happy that he's here.

"I wanted to see if you were coming tonight? You've missed the last couple."

What he's too polite to say, is that I have missed almost every single one. The second and also last time I went there, is when everything went to hell. I haven't been back since.

"Yeah," I swallow, attempting a smile that I know is nowhere near as perfect as his is. "Yeah I'm coming."

"I was hoping you would be. But I wasn't sure after," he stops himself in time and clears his throat. "I mean, it will be great to see you there."

"Can't wait." I wonder if he can see through the mask that I hide behind. Those blue eyes seem to penetrate through my façade in a way that makes me almost uncomfortable. "It will be fun."

And I really hope I'm right. But, given what happened the last time I went, I have my doubts.

 But, given what happened the last time I went, I have my doubts

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