Countless memories washing over my mind and I closed my eyes.

" It's been six months of your marriage to that man!" A voice said and I tilted my head seeing the young woman stand besides me with her arms crossed across her chest.

" Six months that I lived with him!" I said returning my eyes to the photograph.

" Your prescription note." She pulled out the white folded paper from the drawer and extended it towards me making me accept it.

" Hurry up or else you'll get me late." She said already walking out of the room. I grabbed my purse and the cotton shawl, following closely behind her. Mama was already setting the table for breakfast and upon seeing us she ushered us to eat.

Seeing the cup of banana shake had my stomach twisting into knots and I pushed the cup away.

" Arey Afaaf!" My mother gasped.

" It's very healthy, here!" I shook my head and zipped my lips.

" No. I don't like it. I don't want to have it." I said protesting seeing the woman shake her head.

" I'll have to speak to Dr. Nihad about you." She warned and I looked at her from the corner of my eyes.

" I'll still not have it." I deadpanned.

" If she doesn't likes it, take it away!" A voice said and I stiffened

Abba pulled out his chair and sat down. His hands reaching towards the plates as he began to eat his breakfast. His presence made my mood switch and I finished my breakfast hurriedly.

" Let's go!" Mama called out to me after we finished cleaning off the kitchen.

I nodded. The front door opened and the man easily strolled in. Making me tense as I stopped in my tracks. His eyes racking over me before he removed his sunglasses and greeted mama.

" It seems that you ladies are off to some where?" He asked looking at mama. The woman visibly tensed as she looked between me and officer Saim.

" Yes, Afaaf had an appointment with the doctor so-"

" I'll take you then." he offered smiling.

How I wished to rub it off his face.

" No, we can go by ourselves." I interjected and held Mama's hand. His eyes turned darker as he stepped towards me, making me instantly take a step back. My breaths hitching in my throat.

" I didn't ask you Afaaf, I commanded you!" He gritted with a smile on his face, his hand circling around my wrist.

" Now please, this way-" he moved away and opened the main door. Shaya joined behind me and I stared at the open door. Mama remained hesitant until abba's voice came telling us to go with officer Saim. The woman smiled and then walked over to his car making me and Shaya succumb to dominance.


" Hm. It seems to me that you are improving quiet well." Dr Nihad threw one of her bright smiles and leaned back in her chair.

" How much does she talk now?" She asked mama. Making the woman glance at me before turning to the doctor.

" Barely!" I averted my eyes to the floor and walls.

" Uhm. Afaaf why don't you speak! Huh? What stops you from speaking?"

The pain that travels within my heart.

" Because if you don't speak, you don't vocalize what you are feeling. It'll only become a big boulder on your shoulder that will affect your mind as well as the baby."

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