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^^ Clockwork Sentinel Lvl 15 ^^

Here you can alter the look of your dungeon, buy new monsters, upgrade your dungeon, expand your dungeon, and design the Graphics of your Gate!
Current Gate: The Dragon's Widow, Lvl 10
8 Cubes of Space (1000ft x 1000ft x 1000ft x 8)
0 Boss Monsters
0 Mini-Boss
0 Monsters
Loot: None
Blueprint: Doubled Ring with Interior Caverns, one Hidden Passage.

"Alright... upgrade to Lvl 15, please?" I asked, tapping the Level it was showing me.

Dungeon will have to be moved to Northern Plains, Cost of 500 Gold; continue?



"And next... I suppose I'll have to create a Boss and a pair of Mini-Bosses... for the Boss, I'll recreate Lolth, I think... that was an awesome dungeon. And the Dragon Mini-Boss as well... but in my theme." I smiled, and began designing a clockwork creature that would mimic Lolth's imagery, and also be capable of 'Breeding', creating a new brood every time it was destroyed. Using my 'Intricate Clockwork', 'Animate Clockwork', and 'Arcane Crafting', it wouldn't be that difficult, and when I enchanted the entire thing to Lvl 15, it would naturally be a Lvl 15 monster, hopefully. And, using the Spider Queen's Muisak, it would even be somewhat Sentient, and capable of Growth, when I upgraded the dungeon.

The wrench in my hand proved a much more impressive weapon to hit Uric with than my fist; I did about 46 points of damage upside his skull in one hit, and then a couple more hits on his guarding hands did another 92 points.

"STOP. SNEAKING. UP. ON. ME!!!" I yelled at him, then grabbed his collar and tossed him at his brother, heaving for breath from my enraged beating and my impending heart-attack.

"You deserved every bit of that." Kenny frowned at Uric severely, forcefully sitting him down in my chair. "Now, what's... this?" He asked, pointing vaguely at the large piles of clockwork that dominated my workshop after I'd recovered.

"This? This is my new Dungeon Boss! Or, rather, the Mini-Boss, my Clockwork Sentinel; once I've finished the Large Arcane Generator and installed it, it'll be ready." I tapped the blueprint on the wall, which showed a 20ft tall juggernaut made of bronze wielding a Warhammer even taller than itself.

"Oof... that looks rad." He grinned, then tapped the armor in front of him, yanking his hand back when it shocked him.

"Careful, it's already enchanted with an Elemental Lightning Enchantment." I chuckled, returning to my tightening of the bolt holding the Greater Arcane Generator, one of six within this creature. I'd decided to have each one power a limb, and then have one in the head, and one where the heart was; these would become 'Weak Spots', to make up for the fact that the entire creature was immune to slashing damage, and resistant to bludgeoning and Magical Damage, (it absorbed magical energy into the generators, after all,) but it was weak against Piercing. It's worst enemy was an Archer, but most parties either only had one or had none, so the danger was minimal.

It finally connected, and I activated my Animate Intricate Clockwork Skill, bringing the limbs together and then the head, much like the Iron Giant, but a weapon of indiscriminate slaughter. (So, exactly the opposite of the Iron Giant.) The giant slowly sat up, his head scraping the ceiling even in a sitting position, and soft blue light emanated from its joints.

Clockwork Sentinel, Lvl 15, Created! Choose as Boss?

"Mini-Boss, guard of the Dragon Chamber." I shook my head.

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