Chapter 9

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It's already been a few days since Jinyoung found out about the bet and since then he's been going out every night to the local bar that was situated not so far from the house. He would've drink till he couldn't even stand straight. But he could abnormally get home safe.

Today also Jinyoung was going to the bar as usual. He was crossing the road and he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings. His mind was occupied by Hyunsuk. Suddenly he heard the harsh sound of a car horn. He looked to his left to see a car speeding towards him. The male was trying to process what was happening but it was too late. The car hit Jinyoung and without even taking a look at the person he hit, the man drove away.

Jinyoung saw people around him but everything was blurry. He could hear them say "call the ambulance" or "get some help. Quick" but it sounded so far. Jinyoung just wanted to close his eyes and sleep. He felt pain everywhere. The last thing he heard was someone calling his name before everything went black(out).


Minjun was on his way to his friend's house. His friend just came back from Seoul and he wanted to spend some time with him. On the way, he saw many people crowding something. Being the curious person he is, he stopped his car and got out. He walked towards the crowd and pushed through the people to look at the person who was lying down unconscious. He gasped in horror when he recognised who it was.

He ran to the boy and called out for him. "Jinyoung. Please wake up. Someone call an ambulance." He cried out to the people while rubbing Jinyoung's hand. Soon an ambulance came and they brought a stretcher and put Jinyoung on it then they left. Minjun got into his car and drove behind the ambulance.

~Time Skip~

"Answer the phone Hyunsuk." Minjun mumbled to himself, nervously tapping his foot on the floor. After 3 times of trying to call Hyunsuk, the older finally answered. "H-Hyunsuk. Please come to the C-City Hospital(idk okay) right now. J-Jinyoung met with an a-accident." "I-I'll be there in 15 minutes." And with that Hyunsuk hung up. "Excuse me sir." A doctor approached Minjun. "Y-yes?" "Are you a relative of Mr. Bae?" "I-I'm his friend." "Okay. So he is out of danger. Fortunately he has only a few bruises and didn't get anything worse." Minjun felt relieved that Jinyoung was out of danger. "But I have to warn you that he hit his head pretty hard. So I advice you to not let him have any stress or pressurize him to do anything or else it can be dangerous." The doctor said in a serious tone to which Minjun quickly nodded. "Can I meet him?" "Sure." "Thank you Doctor." "You're welcome. I'll take your leave now." With that the doctor left.

Minjun sat down on the chair in the waiting room. He decided to wait for Hyunsuk before going to meet Jinyoung.

"M-Minjun where is Jinyoung? H-How is he?" Hyunsuk came, a worried expression visible on his face. "Hyunsuk. Jinyoung is in the room, resting. And he is fine. The doctor said that he got only few bruises and he also said that we shouldn't stress Jinyoung or else it could be dangerous for him." "Can we go meet him?" "The doctor said yes." They entered the room the room and Hyunsuk felt his heart broke at the sight in front of him. Jinyoung had bandages over his bruises and a band aid on his forehead(imagine those scenes in movies). "Minjun. I think you should go home. It's pretty late and you've been staying here for a long time. And don't worry about Jinyoung, I'll stay with him." "Are you sure you'll be fine?" "Yes Minjun." "Okay I'll leave. Take care of yourself and Jinyoung." "Yes. Bye." "Bye." 

Hyunsuk sat besides Jinyoung and grabbed his right hand. He sighed, looking at Jinyoung. Hyunsuk pushed the strands of hair that fell over Jinyoung's face. The boy looked so pale and fragile. "Get well soon Jinyoung." Hyunsuk mumbled, drawing little circles on the back of Jinyoung's hand.

~Next day~

Jinyoung woke up, feeling something tickling his right arm. Jinyoung opened his eyes, to see Hyunsuk sitting on a chair beside Jinyoung, his head on the bed, sleeping. He was holding Jinyoung's hand which was why the said boy was getting tickle. Jinyoung gently stroked Hyunsuk's hair, a tear leaving his eye, which he quickly wiped off. With great effort, Jinyoung pulled his hand away from Hyunsuk but woke the younger while doing so. "J-Jinyoung. How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Hyunsuk asked the boy full of concerned. "Why do you even care?" Jinyoung said in a monotone voice looking in the other direction.

"What?" The younger asked with a confused look. "What do you mean by what? You hurt me and you didn't even care. Why do you care now?" Jinyoung raised his voice at each sentence he said. He felt angry. Why would Hyunsuk care for him? He hurted him and didn't give a damn about how he was doing.

"Jinyoung is right. Why do I care?" Hyunsuk thought. He got up and left, a disappointed look that Jinyoung didn't miss to notice(slowly becoming a rapper. Swag!). Jinyoung sighed and rubbed his face in frustration. His head and heart was aching.

Hyunsuk made his way outside the hospital and sat on the bench in the yard. He ran his fingers through his hair and rested his head on the bench headboard. "Why do I care?" He asked himself. He couldn't find the answer to his questions. Hyunsuk himself had noticed how his mood was most of time off. He didn't want to do anything but lie in bed. When he was with Jinyoung he felt happy and energetic. Now he looked like a dead person. Hyunsuk was exasperated. He felt irritated because he didn't know what was wrong with him. Sighing for the nth time, Hyunsuk stood up and left. He needed it right now to forget about everything. Even if he would remember everything later on.

Heyyyyy <3
So the start was actually random ngl but I kinda got the rest in control lol
Now that I am noticing this, I think that the chapters started making sense lol
Anyways hope you enjoyed even if it was short
Don't forget to vote and comment
Love ya'll❤


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