Skull Island

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All you can remember is that last conversation and then all of a sudden, you're in the skull on skull island. It's just you and Peter. You ask him, "What's with the giant hourglass?", he told you, "That's how much time we have until there's no more magic and I die". "You die?!", you were shocked. "Yes, I only have a matter of time to live but there's one way to help with that.", Peter said. "And what's that Peter Pan?", you ask, "The person I love most's heart.", he looks at you to see your expression but you just look right back at him.

Although you didn't show it, you were very scared. You had to get off this island. "Why won't you let me get off this island? I haven't done anything to you!", you yelled out. "Because you are my enemy's daughter and he took something of mine that I love dearly, I'm sure he loves you very much.", Pan said. You look at him like he's the worst thing in the world, all he does is say, "Aw, why so sad?

Don't worry, we'll take great care of you. We don't usually get visitors.", Peter seemed to be smiling as he said that. That smile gave you a weird feeling inside. You made a run for it. You thought you lost Peter and then someone picks you up of the ground and you're running in air now instead of the ground.

You look down and start screaming, you look up and notice it's Peter Pan and you clutch onto him. Peter put you back on the ground and intimidatingly said, "I told you that you can't leave this island. Since I can't trust you, I have another thing in mind". "And what could that possibly be? You gonna lock me up, huh, is that it?", you exclaimed. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do.", he replied. You looked shocked that he would seriously even consider locking you up.

He pulls you up and you both fly until you get to his treehouse. He offered a cage but you said hell no to that but he handcuffed you to his bed which was just as bad. Pan made the handcuffs so you couldn't get out of them. You couldn't believe this was happening.

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