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You start to fall asleep. You go back to when you first got on this island. You were on the beach, lying like last time. Pan sees you and was instantly drawn to you. "I'm Peter...Peter Pan.", Pan says not able to take his eyes off you. I'm Y/N, where am I? What is this place?", you say scared. "Calm down Y/N, you're with me, you're safe.", Pan says smiling at you.

You wake up, out of breath. You're out of the cage and back in your treehouse bed. "What just happened?", you mumble under your breath. You think you need fresh air and you take a walk on the beach. You notice there was mermaids so you started to leave but one got a hold of you and started grabbing you. You realized the mermaids were trying to kill you!! "Hey! Leave her alone!", Pan says threateningly. They release you and swim away. You hug Pan, still scared of the mermaids. "Don't worry Little Fire, I will NEVER let anything happen to you, I promise.", he says still hugging you. At that moment, you knew you loved Pan."I'm starting to think this island is rejecting me", you say with a little smile. "No, you're fine. I'll always be here", Pan says looking at you, but still hugging you.

Pan sees a pirate ship in the distance but doesn't tell you because he knows it's your fathers, Killian. He rushed you up to your treehouse and tells you to stay there. You say okay, not thinking anything is wrong.

Pan flies over to the ship after its docked. Killian is already in the forest. Pan finally reaches him. "Aye, just the man I was looking for...", saying in a jolly voice. "Where's my daughter?", in a more serious voice.

While that was all happening, you went to Felix and told him that you loved Pan, not him. You had a fight but everything worked out in the end. You and him are friends.

"I'm NEVER telling you where she is.", Pan smirks at Killian. Pan has been trying to win your heart ever since you got here. "Y/N could never love a bloody demon like you, so if I were you, I would give up.", Killian says to Pan. "Give up? I've already won.", Pan says with a smirk. You are walking in the forest and heard them. You walk up to them. "What are you two arguing about?", you ask the two of them. "Pan thinks you love him.", Killian says looking at Pan, then at you. Hook sees the expression on your face and you look down. "Wait, you don't love him, do you?", Killian says with disappointment. Pan smiles. "I told you she's mine.", Pan says walking up to you and kissing you. "I'm sorry daddy but I love him and I love Neverland. I live here now. I can't leave, at least not right now.", you say to Killian. "I understand. Visit anytime.", he says with a tear running down his cheek. He left and that was it. He just left.

Pan then grabs you and flies you back to your treehouse. He puts you to bed and kisses you goodnight. The next day, you have an amazing day with Pan. One you will never forget, you kiss at midnight and say goodnight. You couldn't be happier. When you went in your treehouse, you started to undress and....(oh you think Pan comes in, no no) Felix walks in. You finish changing and turn around, see him, and start yelling at him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?", Felix doesn't say anything and tries to kiss you. You pull back as much as you could. Luckily, it was enough to push him back. He looks at you and he says, "I thought you wanted this". "And what could possibly have pointed you to that theory?!", you ask. "The other night, you laughing at my jokes. The lost boys thought you liked me." "Well they were wrong.", you yell. "Well I don't regret any of this. I want to kiss you, I want to be with you, I want to hold your hand, and gaze into your eyes. I want to be able to call you mine.", Felix tells you. You are so shocked and happy, but you're with Pan. "I'm sorry but I'm with Pan.", you say. "That's okay. He always screws up or you will. It will corrode and I will be there to pick up the pieces.", Felix seems determined but you didn't care. You were too tired. He left and said goodnight.

The next morning, you tell Pan what happened. All of a sudden, Pan gets furious and goes into the forest with Felix. Pan starts threatening him. "Stay away from Y/N!", Pan yells. "Give up Pan, she will never love you!", Felix yells back. "Are you sure about that?", Pan says while lifting an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm sure. You always mess things up. And I'll be there to pick up her broken heart.", Felix says. "Y/N is different. I love her. She is not like Wendy! Y/N has fire, passion, adventure! Wendy was boring, she just wanted power.", Pan replies. "You know I'm going to win! I'm Felix! I will do anything to get to her.", "As will I.", Pan finishes the conversation. Pan then flies away.

You were in your treehouse and was laying in your bed, thinking about your family. You've been here for a while and you miss them like crazy. You want to go back but you don't want to leave the love of your life, Peter Pan. He has always been able to make you smile, more than anyone ever could, but you knew it wasn't fair for your family. You should go back so you went to talk to Pan.

You went and sat by the fire with Pan and the lost boys. You all were having so much fun, you didn't know when to tell him. "Pan, I think.....I think I should go home.", you say looking at him. "Okay sweetheart, want me to walk you?", Pan says standing up. "No, I mean to my family.", you say standing up as well and grabbing his hands. "It's not fair to them that their daughter and for henry, his sister, is not with them.", you say as Pan looks down. "You don't want to be with me anymore.", Pan says and you can tell he was trying not to cry. "Pan...", you say feeling heartbroken and start to cry.

You were with Felix preparing for the next shadow to take you back home. "Is he coming?", Felix asks. "No, I don't think so.", you say with a fake smile, trying to hide how much it hurts. Pan is hiding in the trees so you won't see him as you say goodbye to the lost boys and Felix. You look around one last time for Pan but you don't see him. You look down. "I guess I should go now.", you say walking towards the shadow and taking his hand. Peter watches you as you fly away and starts to cry.

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