I Love You

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Pan took you back to Neverland, your true home. You tried so hard to hide the scars on your wrists. You thought you succeeded until he tucked you in to say goodnight. You fell asleep but he wanted to surprise you when you wake up. He wanted to give you a bracelet. He put it on your wrist and then turned your wrist over, revealing all the damage you've done to your wrist. He starts to cry, thinking it's his fault and should have never left you alone.

The next morning you wake up in Pan's arms, who is already awake. You give him a quick kiss and he kisses you back. "Y/N?", he asks in a sad tone in his voice. "Yeah? What's wrong?", you ask a little worried. "Why'd you do it?", Pan asks as you look down, knowing he's seen the scars. "What are you talking about...", you ask, scared of how he will react. "Your wrists, Little Fire, why would you ever harm your beautiful skin?", Pan asks gesturing to your wrists. "It's because of me, isn't it? Because I let you go by yourself.", he says looking down. "What, no, Pan, I love you, okay? It's not your fault.", you say grabbing his hand. "Then why?", Pan asks looking at your scars. "People, school, everything.", you say looking down. "Who is it?", Pan asks angrily. "Tell me who it is and I'll make sure they'll never hurt you again.", Peter says hugging you. "It's okay Pan...really, I'm fine."

The next day, you and Pan were taking a walk, you guys were laughing and joking around. You guys were walking by the river and Pan jokingly pushes you in. "You jerk! Help me out!", you say and you both laugh. Pan grabs your hand and you pull him into the water and laugh. "Oh you think you're so funny, don't you?", Pan says laughing and splashing you with water. You both are having a blast and can't stop laughing. He then kisses you. "I love you.", Pan says smiling.

You realized that you've never gone on an actual date with Pan. You tell him but you're going to play hard to get. You love him but then again you're reconsidering this. What if he hurts you? How could you recover from that? "Forget it Pan, it's not going to happen. Just give up already.", you say in a playful way. "I'm not going to give up on you Y/N.", he says annoyed. "Why not? Why keep fighting for me?", you ask. "Because Peter Pan never fails," he says as you both smile at each other.

In that moment, you remembered your mother, Emma telling you that the greatest things in life are those that you couldn't hold in your hands. Like the sound of someone's laughter, inside jokes, and more. But in that moment, you told yourself that that wasn't true, because here you are, talking and holding hands with the greatest thing in life, Peter Pan- the legendary creator of Neverland.

All of a sudden, Pan jolts up and tells you he'll be right back. Pan flies out of the treehouse and of course, you being you, you followed him. Pan stops in the middle of the forest. Rumple is there. You jump out of the bushes. "Rumple?", you say. "Ah, there you are my dear. I was looking for you.", he says with a smirk. "Wait, what are you doing here?", you ask. Rumple replies,"I'm here to kill you. I'm getting back at Pan, for all he is my father. So by me killing you, he will be so heart broken, he'll have to turn himself in." "I won't let you touch her.", Pan says defending you. You move behind Pan. "Sorry, but you don't have a choice.", Rumple says moving towards you. Pan stops him with his magic. "You will have to go through me if you want to get to her.", Pan says angrily. Rumple starts charging towards you, but Pan stops him by using his magic, forcing Rumple to slam in a rock. Rumple yells,"This isn't over!", and then disappears. Pan hugs you tightly and kisses your forehead.

Later that night, you hear voices. You follow them into the forest, there's another girl on this island. "What is this place?", she mumbles to herself. Suddenly, Pan appears. "Are you lost?", he asks, his accent driving you crazy! You watch as she pinned Pan to a tree with a sword against his throat. "You've got fire, I like fire.", Pan says to the girl. "What's your name?", Pan asks. "My name is Katherine. Yours?", Katherine asks. "'I'm Peter...Peter Pan". At that moment, you didn't know what to think. All you knew was you were extremely jealous. You ran as fast as you could and Pan heard you run. "We'll have to finish this conversation later.", Pan says pushing Katherine away and running after you. Pan finally caught up to you. "You run really fast Little Fire.", Pan says out of breath and grabbing your shoulder, making you face him. You have tears in your eyes and you try to hide your face. "Babe, don't be upset?", Pan says, moving the hair out of your face. "Do you say that to every girl that comes on this island?", you say and angrily push his hand away. He steps back and remembers when he said that to you. That's how he gave her the nickname. He had said the same thing to you as he just did to her. Pan says, "It's not like that.", he says, stepping closer to you and grabbing your arm. "No! Let me go!", you yell running, pushing away from him and walking back to camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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