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You start running to Felix. "Felix, let's go to the echo caves.", you say out of breath. "Anything for you, Y/N", Felix smiles. You and him get to the echo cave. Felix is smiling like crazy, you ask him why he's smiling. He responds with, "I just...never thought that you would talk to me again". "Well maybe you misjudged me.", you reply.

-later that night-

You're in your room when you hear a rock hit your tree. You look down and see that Felix has appeared. You climb down and he seems very sad. You ask him what's wrong, but he says I'll tell you when we get there. You had so many thoughts and questions in your head. When you get to the cliff where you were earlier that day, he holds your hands as the moon reflects off in the spot where both of you stand. He looks straight into your eyes and say," I can't do this anymore.", you are so shocked, "What"? "I'm just, I need some space." And then he's gone. Just like that.

When you finally go back to your treehouse, right when you get into your bed, you start to cry. Peter came up, "What's wrong, Little Fire? I was just walking around and noticed you crying.", he looks at you like you are the luckiest girl in the world. "Nothing, just have a lot on my mind.", you say looking down. "How about I help take your mind off things?", Pan says grinning before he lays you on your bed kissing you. -you wake up in your bed, wondering if that was a dream- scared of the answer, you got up, and climbed down your treehouse. Felix seemed to be ignoring you so that was all true. The only question left remaining is if the stuff actually happened to you and Pan. You see Pan and ask him about last night. He told you, " I was taking a stroll around the island and noticed something on the cliff. When I got there, I noticed that it was you. I carried and brought you back in your treehouse. Oh and I heard what happened to Felix and you.", you are kind of sad that you and Pan didn't kiss but then again Wendy would KILL you.

Later that day, Pan overhears Felix talking to the other lost boys about you. "Yeah, I'm going to get back with Y/N just because this island is getting boring and I need some excitement, if you know what I mean. When I'm done with her, you guys can have her.", Felix says smiling. Pan couldn't believe what he was hearing!

As you make your way to the echo caves for some quiet time. Felix knows you go there for quiet time. He's already there and comes up to you and says, "I'm so sorry for what I've done. Is there any chance for us to get back together"? "You really think that is going change how you hurt me!?", you say raising your voice. "I know, I was just scared that I would do something stupid so I had to let you go.", you didn't know why but Felix looked so hot in that moment. You caved in and said yes. You and him make your way to your treehouse. You both say goodnight and climb up your treehouse. Pan was already in there, waiting for you. You knew something was up but didn't acknowledge it. "What the hell are you doing in my room?", you ask. "I've been watching you and Felix the whole day because I overheard him talking to the other boys saying that he only wants you for excitement"! "Well maybe I need excitement in my life too! Okay!", you start yelling. "Y/N, I don't want you talking to him anymore.", Pan says with his tone full of jealousy. "Why not?", you ask angrily. "Because I don't want to see you happy with anyone. Just me.", Pan looks at you passionately. "Well, you know what, you should have thought about that when I wasn't getting any attention from anyone. And plus, you have Wendy. I'm done with your bullshit", you start tearing up, "now, please, just get out". "Little Fire...", Pan looks in your eyes, seeing the tears fall from your face. "Please, just go.", you say as Pan flies out.

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