10 Mundane Parts Of Everyday Life You Won't Believe Kill People

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There are a variety of ways that you can die depending on where you are and what you're doing when it happens. Although some individuals peacefully pass in their sleep, others have to go through immensely uncomfortable and drawn-out deaths.

Death itself isn't surprising. What's astonishing is that you may die from the most mundane and unexpected parts of daily life. We all do these seemingly insignificant things without thinking twice about them. However, somewhere out there, someone has found a way to die because of them in one way or another.

10. Doing Nothing

We've already established that there's no way to escape dying. Our bodies are inherently designed to do that when enough time passes—unless we manage to die earlier, which is always a possibility given how clumsy we are as a species.

One would think that unnatural deaths could be completely avoided by doing nothing at all. It stands to reason that if you're doing nothing, you're not doing anything that can kill you earlier than you're supposed to die. Unfortunately, that isn't the case as doing nothing has a kill count of its own.

Yup, it kills about 5.3 million people every year. Scientists say that it's almost as bad as smoking or obesity, and we should make sure to keep moving around to lower our chances of being included in that statistic.

We're not saying that it doesn't make sense as physical inactivity is known to be an unhealthy habit. All we're saying is that we didn't know that sitting on your couch all day can actually kill you.

9. Sneezing

Depending on where you are in the world, people's responses to sneezing could range from blessing you to telling you the correct way to do it so as not to offend them. However, it's not a particularly noteworthy bodily function.

Even if we don't fully understand the mechanics behind sneezing, we shrug and go about our daily lives without ever thinking about it. Of course, that's until we find out that it's also one of the few regular functions of the body that can kill you.

You see, sneezing triggers some powerful responses in the body, especially among all the organs involved in the process. Many people suggest blocking your mouth and nose to keep you from making sounds during sneezing. As one man found out, that is one way of absolutely destroying your pharynx and general throat area.

That's not the only way it can kill you, either. People have died from it in a variety of ways—from brain hemorrhage to heart attacks caused directly by sneezing.

8. Taking The Stairs

Taking the stairs is a fairly normal part of our daily routine that we don't really think about a lot as, let's face it, they're stairs. Thinking about whether they can kill us is the equivalent of worrying if walls can kill us. Even if the stairs do cause injuries due to the accidental fall here and there, it certainly doesn't come across as something with a fatality rate.

However, multiple studies conducted around the world have shown that stairs are deadlier than we give them credit for. In the UK, around 1,000 people die from falling down stairs every year. This is ridiculously high if you think about it. The researchers assume that most of it is just the elderly doing elderly things.

Another study in India found out that most people who died on stairs were in the 31–40 age group, followed by 21–30. In contrast, US statistics show that only 27 people die due to elevators every year, even though viral accident videos tell us that elevators are supposed to be a whole lot scarier than the stairs.

7. Mowing Your Lawn

Having a lawn is out of reach for many people due to skyrocketing real estate prices across the country. However, for the select few who do, mowing it is one of the regular parts of their weekly routine.

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