10 Times 'The X-Files' Were Closer To The Truth Than We Thought

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10. 'The Jersey Devil' - Season 1

In "The Jersey Devil," agents Mulder and Scully go to New Jersey after a dead body is discovered with its arm and shoulder missing. Analysis shows that a human being ate the body parts.

Even though the local police deny the duo the opportunity to investigate, Mulder zeroes in on the legend of the Jersey Devil, a creature like Bigfoot. Mulder believes that the Jersey Devil is actually part of a small tribe of human beings who have remained hidden from modern society and close to their Neanderthal state.

The legend of the Jersey Devil may have some truth to it. The creature is said to have roamed the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey for 250 years. The legend appears to begin with Jane Leeds, a lady who told everyone that the "Devil can take the next one!" when she became pregnant with her 13th child.

When the child was born, he had the appearance of a reptile. He also had wings and a forked tongue. He quickly grew to 6 meters (20 ft) and was said to have left the house via the chimney. Soon afterward, the sightings began.

As recently as October 2015, Dave Black made claims to NJ.com that he had seen the Jersey Devil near a golf course as he drove past. According to Black, the creature was running through the trees before it "spread out leathery wings and flew off over the golf course!"

9. 'Shadows' - Season 1

After two muggers are found dead in a Philadelphia back alley, Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate because the bodies have a bizarre electrical charge and their throats appear to have been crushed from the inside. The duo is led to Lauren Kyte, who is identified from security camera footage at the ATM where the dead men had attempted to mug her before they died.

Mulder quickly realizes that Howard Graves, Kyte's old boss who had recently committed suicide, was protecting Kyte "from the other side." Later, it was revealed that Graves had not taken his own life. Instead, he had been murdered by his business partners.

Unbelievable as it may sound, there are instances of people protecting others from beyond the grave. Although they were not murdered and did not crush people's throats from inside, Captain Bob Loft and Second Officer Don Repo, both airline pilots, seemed to help many people after their deaths.

The two pilots died in the horrific crash of Eastern Airlines Flight 401 in December 1972. Their plane plummeted into the swamps of the Florida Everglades and killed 101 people.

In the following years, there were over 20 sightings of the two pilots, including some from high-ranking people in Eastern Airlines. Many of these sightings occurred on planes that used salvaged wreckage from the doomed flight for repairs and maintenance.

John G. Fuller investigated the claims extensively, eventually writing the book The Ghost of Flight 401. Fuller relayed several of the witnesses' stories, which included several brief conversations with the dead pilots.

In particular, one conversation occurred in which Repo informed a captain of a flight, "There will never be another crash [on Eastern Airlines]. We will not let it happen!"

8. 'Duane Barry' - Season 2

In the episode "Duane Barry," Fox Mulder acts as a hostage negotiator who attempts to talk Duane Barry, a former FBI agent who has suffered from alien abductions, into releasing his hostages.

During the episode, Mulder asks Scully to do a background check on Barry. She discovers that Barry had suffered extensive damage to his frontal lobe when he was shot in the head years earlier. She claims that this has altered his brain chemistry and caused him to become a psychopath and pathological liar.

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