10 Things In The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina That Creeped Us Out

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Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a refreshing take on the comic, giving an updated, woke perspective to the story that isn't only a breath of fresh air for the series, but for media in general. The original saccharine series was certainly funny and light, but this dark new entity is addictive and delicious, embracing fans from every corner with its representation and delivering unique chills and thrills that the original certainly avoided.

Many of the gruesome moments of Sabrina are just spookily delightful, but others give us the honest heebie jeebies. Whether it's the stuff of our nightmares or a mashup of elements of horror we've seen elsewhere, Sabrina has been known to make us jump or stay up late.

10. Sabrina's Hazing

Creepy little kids are a surefire way of adding scariness to a horror program, but fortunately these kids turned out to be not-so-evil. They only wanted some peace and for the torture to stop. Luckily for Sabrina, she also had her trusty familiar, Salem, to help with the hazing. Aunties Zelda and Hilda also lent their hands.

9. Batibat's Torment

None of the nightmares are pretty, but it's Ambrose's super gory nightmare where he dissects himself that gave fans actual, real nightmares. Many reported it as the scariest scene they've ever seen on Netflix, if not television altogether.

8. Scarecrow Chase

The tension in this scene is delightful, and some of what we don't see is actually scarier than what we do, which is a great tactic to use. Seeing Salem's "real" form destroy the maze as the familiar went after Madam Satan's voodoo-powered scarecrow was such a fun moment that many fans had to pause and rewind to see it again.

7. Susie'sPossessed Uncle

There's a reason many of the most terrifying moments of the series are nods to previous horror films and TV shows: they totally work. They make us gasp, hide our eyes or even bark out a nervous laugh when they scare us to pieces.

6. Punishment Via Weird Sisters

Not only are the sisters terrifying during their game of "Devil in the Dark," but they also steal the manhood of the four jocks, capturing it as a quartet of birds in a cage.

5. Sabrina Burns The Witches

Seeing Sabrina burn her own kind with her newfound powers was horrifying not only because it demonstrated what she was capable of and the darkness that lay ahead in the next season, but it also depicted Sabrina burning her own kind.

4. Feast Of Feasts

When Sabrina steps in to prevent the grisly tradition, she succeeds at first--but another witch, as desperate for the title of queen as the rest of the tributes seem to be, sacrifices herself and keeps the terrible ritual alive for another year. Witnessing the coven's blood lust as they swarm the witch to feast is absolutely stomach-turning.

3. The Minotaur And Hanging Witches

Of course, that's not enough, since Sabrina also jostles a bunch of hanging witches in the trees, which is incredibly creepy and comes into play much later in the show when Sabrina chooses the dark side to save her town. The witches are nightmare-worthy on their own, but they also bring to mind other horror movies like The Conjuring.

2. Taking Agatha Out

This whole episode is a train wreck of horror: Sabrina slitting Agatha's throat is horrific to watch, even if we're sure she's got a card up her sleeve; Agatha's body's effects after resurrecting are gruesome; and Tommy's development into a monster certainly isn't what Sabrina thought she'd been bargaining for. It's Frankenstein to the extreme.

1. The Tarot Episode

Theo and Roz were given the most chilling fortunes, however. Theo's quest to have the body he's always wanted seemed wonderful at first, until he had to cut off his arm, which began to turn into a tree. Roz's new eyes were taken from another girl who was left blinded in the process, and her father paid for the "donor" eyes through church funds.

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