13 Creepy Camping Encounters That Will Put You off the Great Outdoors

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From chilling tales of weeping ghost children who roam the night to forgotten bodies swinging deep in the forest, you'll never go into the woods again after reading these camping horror stories.

For many of us, getting back to nature is a welcome break from our busy modern lives. Camping and hiking are popular summer-time activities, giving us a chance to unwind in the great outdoors, but what happens when nature turns into your worst nightmare? From chilling tales of unexplained noises in the night to weeping ghost children and a strange blue apparition that endlessly roams the forest. People from all around the world have been sharing their most terrifying encounters and misadventures in the great outdoors.

Campers beware, you'll never go into the woods again after reading these scary true tales.

1. The Crying Girl

"When I was younger probably like 10 or 11, I went camping with my family. I'll just get right into it. It was about 1 or 2 in the morning, and I couldn't really sleep. The tent me and my brother were in was really hot, and very uncomfortable. Anyway, while I was trying to go to bed I heard a very faint whimper. I tried to ignore it because I figured I was just tired. Our campsite was along a road with many other camps nearby. The whimper started to get louder, and then turned into crying. I heard footsteps outside of our tent, and a girl crying.

Now let me tell you, it didn't go faint, it got louder and louder. It remained in the same spot the entire time. That's so important because, it indicates that she was looking at our tent site, crying. It gets worse, then it turned into a full on scream for a few seconds, then cuts out. When she started screaming by brother woke up. We both look at each other and just get all the pillows and stuff our head under them.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I'm just glad we left the next morning." Keithic

2. The Shaking

"This happened to an acquaintance of mine and his son. This took place back in the early '90s.

He had taken his young son for a father and son type hike out of Skagway. If any of you are familiar with Skagpatch, there is quite a network of trails above town at lower Dewey lakes.

So, it's evening, dinner done, tent up, bed time. Sometime later, around midnight, he's woken up by the tent shaking violently, then silence. Then again. Keep in mind its late August, and pitch black, I mean as pitch black as you can get under the heavy coastal rain forest with no moon.

This shaking kept up for over an hour. He had no idea what it was. He went out with his headlamp, yelled, and heard nothing. Would go back in the tent, then it would start up again. He could here footsteps whenever it happened.

He was pretty shaken up by the next morning as you could imagine.

He reported it to the troopers, and the only thing they could come up with was someone with a night vision set up messing around. Or something else..." Yukoner

3. The Middle of the Woods

"This happened to me when I was little. I went camping with my older brother and my mom. I was about 7 or 8 and I went to bed around 10 in a sleeping bag inside my tent with both my mom and brother. Some time during the night, I don't know when, I woke up somewhere in the middle of the woods still in my sleeping bag. I had no idea where I was or where my tent was. I screamed for my mom and I heard her calling back for me in panic but she was easily 100 yards away or so. To this day I have no idea how I ended up in the middle of the woods still inside my sleeping bag. Gives me the chills." – cckaufmann

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