American Horror Story: 20 Villains Ranked, Weakest To Strongest

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American Horror Story is filled with evil characters to be feared - but some are far more powerful than the others.

Over eight scary seasons, American Horror Story has delivered the creepy goods to fans of all things monstrous, demonic, and nefarious. From ghosts to witches, aliens to vampires, the series has left virtually no horror movie stone unturned, mashing up genres without fear-- on the writers' part, at least. Through the many petrifying houses, hotels, and cults they've introduced audiences to, an unending parade of evil figures have reared their ugly heads to exact their terrible designs on the many victims left in their wake. But not all unholy antagonists are created equal.

American Horror Story has conjured up some formidable threats which sometimes turned out to be defeat-prone, or even redeemable. On the other end of the spectrum, the show has brought us the ultimate threat to all things under the sun-- the one who may well bring the end of times. In between, we find a host of villains who fall somewhere into greyer areas. Let us make no mistake – we don't want to meet any of these awful people and creatures in a dark alley-- or even on a sunny beach!

Fans are warned to stay away from all of these rotten, dangerous, malevolent characters and entities. Which ones of these rogues are least and most threatening? We are venturing into this unholy place to lay it out for you. Consider this a guide to which American Horror Story baddie you most want to keep clear of, and which maybe you could deal with if you had no choice!

Here are 20 American Horror Story Villains Ranked, Weakest To Strongest.

20. Sister Jude - Asylum

When we first embark upon the second season of American Horror Story, we enter the grim recesses of Asylum. This madhouse is truly a place of no hope. In the 1960s, when mental institutions were far more barbaric than they are today, those committed to Briarcliff were subjected to terrible practices best left in the past.

Sister Jude goes beyond the mistakes of ignorance and into the realm of physical and psychological torment.

Patients are punished for no good reason. Healthy minds are confined against their will. As her character evolves, we learn that Sister Jude is herself a torment soul who ultimately seeks redemption, and finds it, after a fashion. As evil goes, she is definitely the weakest of the AHS crowd.

19. Dandy Mott - Freak Show

Sometimes villains are born bad, and sometimes they are made bad. In the case of Dandy Mott, he seems to have almost been accidentally molded into the shape of evil. An overly-coddled rich momma's boy, Dandy was so spoiled that he became a consummate narcissist. Bored with having his every indulgence fed, he turned to doing some terrible things to get his kicks.

Unfortunately for the remarkably unique characters in American Horror Story: Freak Show, he plays out his twisted designs in the worst ways. When his final fate arrives, however, he's just a man-child, meeting his end at the hands of some of his victims. The "only human" variety of AHS villains are the most easily dispatched.

18. Dr. Oliver Thredson - Asylum

Perhaps the single most insidious villain in the entire American Horror Story universe is the psychotherapist from the Asylum season, Dr. Oliver Thredson. Expertly played by Star Trek's Zachary Quinto, this creep lives a double life. In one, he is a doctor healing minds. In another, he is a kidnapper and tormenter. He is an eerie mirror of real-life evil along the lines of the infamous Ted Bundy.

Handsome, charming and very intelligent, he uses his mask of savior to hide his inner sadist.

In our world, he would rank much higher on a list like this, but because he is only human, and is dispatched relatively easily, he doesn't make it far.

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