Pack And Venomous

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Sorry if there are mistakes guys!

Skyler's P.O.V

I walked in Morell's office and slammed my bag down on the floor sliding in the chair opposite her.

"Skyler Jenson. For a second I thought you might not turn up on time." Morrell calmly said.

"Last minute decision," I responded making myself more comfortable in the chair.

"Well I did have a few exercises we could've tried out, but it seems like you've got other things on your mind." She put sheets of paper back in a drawer while looking up at me.

"No, please. I could use a distraction from...everything." I sighed looking down at my hands.

"Well, why don't you share? After all, this is where most of my students come to take things off their chest." She noted and I rolled my eyes.

"Not that this is new news, but I'm not a trusting person," I admitted looking up at her. "So I'd rather do these stupid exercises instead of opening up because I'm totally fine. I think."

"Your a tough one to crack." Morell sighed and I grinned placing my head in my hand.

"So, what's on your mind Skyler?" Morrell asked and I looked down at my fingers fiddling with them.

"Your not gonna stop trying are you?" I scoffed looking up at her and she shook her head. "It's not really what's on my mind. More what I'm feeling."

"And what exactly is that?" She asked and I sighed fiddling with my fingers.

"I don't know. I guess it's this odd feeling of my body starting to heat up. The feeling of blood rushing to my brain." I explained. "It's like when someone says or does something to you that really pisses you off and all you can think of is wanting to hit them in the face. But then you somehow find the way to restrain yourself from that. Well sometimes when I can't restrain my body starts to react and it almost feels like..." I paused and looked up at Morell.

"Like what?" Morell asked.

"As if my body is on fire," I answered, and looking back down at my fingers and then remembered what happened in Chemistry.

It's almost as if Scott and Stiles were trying to warn me as if I was in trouble. And stubborn me decided to ignore them and let them get to me. I need to know what happened during science.


Morell's voice made me stop drowning in my thoughts and I widened my eyes grabbing my bag standing up.

"Oh crap, I need to go."

"But we haven't finished this session." Morrell quickly objected.

"Yeah, and you'll be lucky if you get a next one." I stormed out of the office and made my past a few classrooms trying to find Scott until I passed Coach's office and saw Scott, Stiles and Allison all having a conversation.

I walked in on Allison holding a crossbow by her side looking at Scott kinda annoyed.

"I can protect myself." I heard her say and I stormed in grabbed a knife out of the side of my boot looking at them.

"Yeah, and so can I. But guess what I can't do that when I don't what I'm exactly fighting. So can someone tell me what the hell is going on?!" I asked looking at all of them and then at Stiles.

"So do all the Argents carry weapons with them now or..."

"My life was in danger and you didn't tell me?!" I asked starting to get really angry. I just had that stupid Kanima venom and I wasn't paralyzed.

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