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Everyone woke up the next morning to the sweet smell of pancakes being made by Minho and Chan

Considering that they all just ate cheesecake for dinner the previous night they were all pretty hungry

They were about to sit down to eat breakfast when Felix suddenly got a text and took out his phone to read it

"Umm I actually think that I'm just gonna go home" Felix suddenly said with an awkward smile

"But we already made plates for everyone" Minho pouted

"Why do you want to leave all of a sudden?" Jisung asked as he looked at his boyfriend confused

"I don't feel great" Felix explained.....another lie

"Maybe you're just hungry. All we ate for dinner was cheesecake" Chan said and Felix shook his head

"I feel nauseous. I think I should just go home" Felix said causing Jisung to look at him in concern

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jisung asked getting ready to leave

"No Sungie it's okay, stay here and eat the food they made" Felix said, trying to convince him to stay

"I'll come over right after I finish eating okay?" Jisung asked

"No please just go home after. I don't want to take the chance of getting you sick" Felix said, the number of lies he was telling felt like a knife being dug deeper and deeper into his skin each time a new one was said (Wth???)

"Text me later okay? I hope you feel better. I love you" Jisung said

"I love you too. Bye guys, thank you for the birthday party and date" Felix said before he left to go visit his mother

"He didn't look sick" Seungmin commented once Felix left

"You don't have to look sick to be sick" Jeongin said back

"He wasn't acting like he felt sick though" Hyunjin said, then noticed Jisung's upset facial expression "sorry Jisung"

"It's okay, lets just not talk about it. I'll ask him about it later" Jisung mumbled as he took a bite of his food

After that, they all continued eating pretty much in silence until they were done. Minho started cleaning up everything as Chan walked up to Jisung

"Hey, is everything okay with you and Felix?" Chan asked Jisung as the others went into the living room and the two of them stayed in the hallway

"I think so...I don't know. he's been acting weird since last night and I've had a weird feeling that something bad is going to happen for the past three days. But he wouldn't break the promise we made right?" Jisung asked

"I would like to think that he wouldn't...I'll text him later too okay? If I think something is going on with him I will tell you okay?" Chan asked and Jisung just nodded

"I umm... I think I'll go home now. I want to text Felix and make sure he's okay. Thank you for everything though and please tell everyone else I said thank you too" Jisung said as he turned to leave

Jisung walked home since Chan's house wasn't that far away from his own

as soon as he got home he jumped onto his bed then pulled out his phone to text Felix

Hey Lix, I just got home.
are you okay? Do you
feel any better?

I can still go to your house if
you want me too

We can cuddle to make you feel

I don't care if you would get me
Sick from it

Are you asleep?

Wait you wouldn't be able to answer
that if you were

...I'm just gonna assume
That you are

Please text me when you wake up
I love you ❤️❤️❤️


Jisung sighed as he put his phone down

'He's probably just sleeping, nothing is wrong I need to stop freaking out' Jisung thought to himself 'but what if something is wrong?'

'But what could possibly be wrong right now? Everything is perfect' Jisung groaned as he continued having this horrible mental battle with himself

~~~time skip~~~

Felix left his mom house and it definitely didn't go exactly as he wanted it too

But he blamed himself for bringing up Jisung in the first place

He should have just said that he was with Hyunae or something

Just because his mom wanted to see him, he shouldn't have assumed that she changed her thoughts about anything

It started off great but then he was asked about his dating life and he told the truth, thinking that maybe something in his mom changed....he was wrong

Now he was walking to the store with his hood over his face to get some makeup to cover the horrible marks that his own mother left all over him....again

He wasn't mad, he could never be mad. It did hurt a little more than usual but he assumed that it was because he lived without that pain for a while and now it all suddenly back at once

He bought some concealer then quickly left to walk back home

'Good thing I can cover this up without having to ask for help' Felix thought to himself as he put the concealer container on his nightstand so he could use it tomorrow morning

He sighed and laid down on his bed as he pulled out his phone. He noticed a bunch of text messages from Jisung

The amount of guilt he felt looking at Jisung's name honestly hurt him more than all of the bruises on his body combined

But he couldn't tell him about it, especially not now. He didn't want to take the chance of Jisung hating him for this...or take the chance of never being able to see his mom again

Hi Sungie!!!

Sorry I didn't reply, I fell

Are you feeling any better?

I wish
Not delivered

Yeah I feel a lot better


Okay good ❤️I hate to go so soon butI'm exhausted. I love you though

Goodnight! I love you too❤️
I'll see you tomorrow


Felix sighed as he laid back down on his bed... 'hopefully I can keep this up'

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