1.4) The President's Daughter

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After Mike's intimidating questioning, they finally got the information they needed. By the look on his face, Adelaide could sense he wanted her out of the White House, safe with her brother. Mike already called their friends from the other side and just waited to grab the call.

"You okay?" He asked her and she nodded. "We'll go to the entrance and get you—"

"Don't even bother finishing what you're saying," she said firmly. "I'm not leaving without the President."

"You're the President's daughter, Adelaide, the First Lady! It's my job to—"

"Wanna play that card? Fine. It's not your job to protect me, not anymore. The President fired you," she stated and took a deep breath, regretting her words. "I– I'm sorry. I didn't mean that... I– I just want my father back."

"I know," he sighed. "But I'm just trying to protect you, Adelaide."

"And I appreciate that, but I trained with the FBI for years, and I won't leave without my father," she said firmly. "And I won't leave without you either."

He looked at her eyes, and then at her lips, but without losing any more time, Adelaide leaned in and kissed his lips. He kissed her back and his hand found his way to her cheek. She pulled away and looked at his eyes. Both of them had a small smile on their faces and just wished for everything to be over.

"Mike? Starlight?" Lynne asked through the earpiece. "You there?"

"Yeah, we are," she smiled and leaned back to her position. "And we've got new information."

"His name is Yeonsak Kang. He's the head of KUF," Mike informed them. "The paramilitary organization. No surprised there. 40 commandos breached the gate and 28 are left."

"How do we know we can trust the information?" Lynne asked and Adelaide chuckled.

"He asked nicely," she answered and went to check the bunker from her computer.

"Kang Yeonsak? Sir, this is one of the most wanted terrorists in the world! He was brought across the DMZ as a child after his father was executed for crimes against the North Korean state," a man explained. "While they were crossing the border, his mother was killed by an American landmine. This guy masterminded the 2004 bombing of the British Embassy in Seoul. And he funneled Pyongyang uranium enrichment technology from Pakistan. He's never before been photographed or identified by any Western intelligence agency. Well, Jesus Christ, nobody ever thought to look for him inside the South Korean government."

"Well, damn," Adelaide muttered. "At least we know he'll have a Wikipedia page after this."

"Look, I don't care who he is. With a force that size, I have men who can sweep 'em out in short order," another man stated.

"Sir, this is not going to be a cakewalk. These sons of bitches are pretty fucking tough," Mike added.

"I've got the toughest  fuckin' guys in the world," the man defended his words. "What we need to know is how to get into that bunker."

"Once the blast doors close, you don't. It's clear hardened," Lynne explained. "Now, there used to be some old tunnels, but they were sealed up years ago."

"Sir, your men need to know what the hell they're dropping into," Mike insisted. "Do not launch anything until I do some recon."

"I could try to hold them off a little longer," Adelaide suggested.

"I think you've done enough, Miss. As First Lady we need you out of the White House and to a safer place," that man was starting to annoy her.

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