3.11) Be Careful

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Mike was impatient, asking every few minutes for everyone to check their positions. Adelaide walked towards a window and looked down, FBI and police were outside, guarding every perimeter of the hospital.

"Marine One's 30 minutes out," Gentry informed Mike.

"God, it's taking too long," he sighed.

"The primary motorcade's ready," an agent informed him.

"No, we're not going out the front. It's too exposed," Mike told the man.

"Command Post, outer, middle and inner perimeters all clear," an agent said through radio.

"Check snipers," Mike told Gentry.

"They did, Mike," he stated.

"Check 'em again," Adelaide insisted as she walked to Mike's side.

David glared at Mike and nodded at the agent next to him to check on the snipers, and all sectors were clear. There was no evidence that proved the reason for Mike and Adelaide's worry.

"We need to get out of here as fast as possible," Mike whispered to her.

"Not go by car, obviously. If Wade is to be here, he must not be far, if he's coming by car," she whispered. "It's around three and a half hours by car, an hour by chopper."

"Shit," he breathed. "What about the FBI's chopper? Can we borrow it to get the president out?"

"I don't think it could get here faster than Marine One," she sighed, and cupped Mike's face in her hands. "Whatever happens, promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise," he leaned down, and pecked her lips. "As long as you don't do anything stupid."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," she let go of his face.

"Oh," a nurse sighed after the computer dinged. "This stupid thing has crashed six times in the last hour."

"Mine just did, too. It's weird," another man informed, and it caught Mike and Adelaide's attention, specially hers.

"Why is that weird?" She asked the nurse.

"They were working perfectly fine all week," the nurse explained. "In fact, they rarely crash like this."

"Adelaide?" Mike looked at her for answers.

"Let me take a look, please," she told the nurse, who nodded and allowed her to use the computer.

"Hey, see if any IP addresses from a Salient Global in Virginia are connected to this hospital," Mike told an agent, who had a special Secret Service's laptop in front of him.

"I'm not seeing anything," the agent said.

"Check for any breaches, any hacks," Mike added.

"I'm on it," the agent nodded.

"It doesn't seem like an ordinary technical problem," Adelaide explained. "They might not even bother to cover their tracks, but if this happened here, they might have taken over all the devices in the building."

"She's right," Gentry nodded.

"She usually is," Mike sighed.

Suddenly, a strange smell invaded their surroundings. Everyone looked towards the rooms, nitrogen hissing out of the walls.

"Where's that coming from?" Mike asked the nurse.

"They connect to our oxygen lines," the nurse answered.

"Okay, get on the phone, see what's wrong," Mike told her and she nodded. Then, he looked at Adelaide who didn't bother to hide her worry.

"I meant any device, Mike," she reminded him and looked at an agent. "ICU cams?"

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