2.3) Mother's Instinct

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The three started to run as fast as they could and went through a bunch of trees. Adelaide was proud she wasn't as slow as she thought she would be. They ran to the streets, to an alley, and hid behind the trash can. Adelaide leaned her body against the wall as she breathed heavily.

"Babe," Mike kneeled next to her. "Hey, look at me. Babe."

"My feet hurt," she complained and he nodded, looking at her worriedly. "But we're okay, I know he or she is. Mother's instinct."

They heard footsteps and Mike saw a "police officer" walking near them. He grabbed a big wooden stick and hit the guy's throat. He was on the floor suffocating to death. Mike kneeled in front of him and checked his pockets.

"Mike, he's a policemen," he said as he stared at the man in horror.

"Yeah? Not exactly standard police issue," he said as he showed him the gun he was carrying and the grenade.

"Oh, my God," the President looked away and fixed his shirt, not taking his eyes off the man. "I've never seen a man suffocate before."

"I didn't have a knife," he defended himself. "He's got more ammunition than the entire U.S. Army."

"How could they possibly pull something like this off?" Her father asked.

"There's gotta be somebody on the inside," Adelaide told him.

"Yeah, looks like it," Mike nodded as he grabbed everything he could find from the man. "These guys are pros."

Adelaide looked at the man's shoes. They looked like normal black sneakers, except they were leather and not her taste. She handed her tablet to her father, and cursed under her breath as she started to untie and take away the man's shoes off.

"What the hell, Adelaide?" The President looked at her in disbelief.

"It's better than heels," she glared at him as she put them on.

"We should go to the Embassy," he suggested.

"Nah, they'll be expecting that," Mike said and stood up. "There's an MI6 safe house near here. I have a contact there. We go there and we get an extraction."

"Do you trust them?" She asked Mike, and he nodded as he helped her stand.

"The fact is, every single one of these guys is a terrorist asshole until proven otherwise," Mike told the two. "The only person you can trust right now, is me."

They ran away again until they entered at a closed metro station. Most of the lights were out, but everything was visible. Adelaide grabbed her gun from her pocket and held it tightly in her hands. They heard noise coming from behind them.

"Let's go," they jogged until they entered in one of the metro's wagons. Mike looked at Adelaide."You got enough bullets?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Stay here, I'll be back," he said and walked out of the wagon.

Adelaide sat with her father and rested her head on his shoulder. He was furious and worried about her. They heard an explosion and gun shots. Adelaide just hoped Mike didn't get hurt. She stood up and pulled her father behind her as she heard footsteps. A man entered in the wagon and she shot him in the head with just one bullet. Another came in and she shot at the man in the chest until he fell on the ground dead.

"I'm not sure if to be proud or concern for you," he muttered and she chuckled.

"It's part of my job to take care of you, dad. If not as First Lady or a Special FBI Agent then as a daughter," she smirked. "You get used to it."

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