1.7) We Will Rise

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A week and a half later...

Mr. Speaker, as acting President, already addressed the country about the terrorist attack. However, the president wanted to do it as well just like former presidents have done.

Many reporters asked to do a press conference because everyone in and outside the country had many questions about what happened. So, the White House confirmed there would be a press conference. They coordinated with the President and he agreed to do it once his daughter was out of the hospital.

Adelaide had surgery for her thigh who still had small pieces of glass inside it. She had stitches on her thigh, on her abdomen for when Kang stabbed her with a knife and not only does she have stitches on her shoulder, but also an arm sling.

While being in the hospital, she had a talk with her father, and confessed she missed being with the FBI. After everything that has happened, he couldn't say no to his little girl. That same day, he planned a meeting with the FBI Officers. Now, she not only has her role as the First Lady of the United States, but also a Special FBI Agent to the White House. She would contribute and participate in any investigation that's taking place if her schedule allows it and, when her father's job in office would be over, she would have her full-time job as an Special FBI Agent to the White House.

Mike got his job back and when he was recovered enough, he started working in the Secret Service with the President, again. It's true when they say that, if you're gonna do something, whatever it is, make sure it makes you happy. Every time Mike and Adelaide saw each other since he got his job back, she could finally see a genuine smile on his face.

After an hour of hair, makeup and dress-up, she was finally ready. She stayed alone as she waited for the press conference to start. Adelaide had to move on a wheelchair until she was fully recovered. Her father was already protective before the attack, and now, he didn't even want her walking by herself in case she needed any sort of medical assistance.

Someone knocked on the door and she allowed them to come in. She turned her head and saw one of the new agents of the Secret Service.

"Miss Asher, it's time," he said and she nodded.

"Wait– What's your name?" She asked the man who knocked on her door. "There's a lot of new agents..."

"Agent Voight, Miss," he introduced himself and pointed at his partner. "And this is Agent Bronson. He'll be the one...wheeling...with you, Miss."

"It's nice to meet you both," she smiled warmly at them.

Bronson helped her with the wheelchair and wheeled her out of the room. It hurt her how many people loss their lives, all to protect themselves and everyone around them for an unforgivable attack. She remembered Roma, O'Neil, Jones, and many others. Mike told her to stop torturing herself about it, but she couldn't help it. She promised herself she would do something about it, keep everyone safe, specially the ones she loves.

More than a thousand workers helped clean the White House in three days, now it just had to be reconstructed. Outside her room, she found Connor waiting for her.

"I've got Starlight and Sparkplug, we're on our way," agent Voight informed his com.

"How are you?" Connor asked as he walked with her and the agents.

"I'm feeling much better, Bear," she smiled. "You still wanna go to the beach?"

"How about we go as far as possible?" He asked and she raised her eyebrows at him.

"How far? Like the moon?" She joked.

"Disney?" He suggested, and she laughed.

"You know what? I love the idea, I'll do my best to convince dad and get us there, Bear," she grabbed his hand. "I love you, you know that, right?"

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