Chapter 5: So it Begins...

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Polnareff couldn't forget the words Avdol had said that night. 

"I only think of you as a friend .."

Those words made Polnareff's mind swirl in anxiety. His breath became unsteady and abnormally deep as his heart sank all the way in hell.

He rested his head on the wall thinking to himself at the dinner table.

That night Kakyoin had returned from the hospital without the Stardust Crusaders knowing because someone had run over Kakyoin that night while he was crossing the streets.

So they were celebrating his return with dinner at a Chinese Buffet.

"Haha! This is where we met Polnareff remember?" Old  Joseph said, nudging Jotaro's hip which made him pissed.

"I don't." Kakyoin said.

"ANY ways,..." Old Joseph said interrupting the poor teenager, "Tomorrow we're headed to uh….what his name again Jotaro-"


"Yeah him! Because Holly has the Corona thing going around!" 

"No she doesn't old man. She's just sick, that's all."

"Whatever either way she's still sick." He said, shrugging.

"Hmph." Jotaro ripped his hat downwards looking away.

Polnareff looked down at his food, playing with it.

"What's wrong Polnareff?" Kakyoin said, which made the others curious so they all looked at Polnareff as well.

Polnareff's heart sank even more, he didn't want to be around them or here, he just wanted to go home and cry.

"Polnareff?" Old Joseph said breaking his thoughts.

"I'm fine." Polnareff said, picking at his food.

"Alright, stop playing with your food then." Kakyoin said.

"I don't like this." Polnareff was at the verge of crying now.

"Like what?" Kakyoin rested his head on his arms looking into Polnareff's eyes.

"This….food." Polnareff said, pretending to be disgusted.

"Stop being picky and just eat it." Jotaro said, annoyed.

Polnareff sat there, with a blank expression. Avdol didn't like him in that way. 

That night…

Polnareff's face was buried in his pillow and he cried and wailed into his pillow.

*Knock* *knock*

Polnareff sniffled loudly then wiped his face quickly. As he got up, he started to cry again and opened the door.

It was Kakyoin and Jotaro.

"We heard you crying Polnareff, is everything alright?" Kakyoin examined Polnareff. His eyes were puffy and his hair was messy and he looked like his period just started that day.

"n-No…" Polnareff started getting hiccups now because he was gonna cry loudly again.

"Well you can tell us what's wrong." Kakyoin said reassuringly while Jotaro was annoyed as ever.

"Oh yeah we brought the dog." Iggy ran past Jotaro and on Polnareff's bed immediately going to sleep.

All 4 of them sat On Polnareff's bed and they all had their Pj's. Their  asses getting wider and their mouths were getting bigger as they kept squabbling at each other.

"So Polnareff what's wrong?" Kakyoin said, holding his muscular hands.

After explaining (because you already know what happens unless you're dylsexic.)

"Oh." Kakyoin looked up at Jotaro for help. Jotaro made a deep sigh then looked at Polnareff with his beautiful eyes.

"Look Polnareff, you can maybe try again. If that doesn't work, I suggest looking for someone else."

"OR, you can like, make him fall for you! I know he said he thought of you guys as friends only but friends can get closer right?! Don't worry me and Jotaro will help! Right Jotaro?"

"私はこれが嫌いですが、OK "

"Great!" Kakyoin smiled widely and gave Jotaro a kiss on the cheek.

Later they all fell asleep together on the same bed, which meant Polnareff had accidentally crushed Iggy with his big juicy thicc baguette ass.

(Iggy is okay, I hope)

Avdol x Polnareff (WHOLESOME)(FLUFF)Where stories live. Discover now