Chapter 7: Breaking Avdol's Trust

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Polnareff's eyes stayed shut until a familiar voice had awoken him.


It was Avdol, and he was pissed.

"Ah, I'm sorry I'm sorry! I just err.... sleepwalked!"

"Uh-huh, yeah sure! That's not what the CCTV footage said last night."

"What?" Polnareff mentally prepared himself before seeing the footage from last night, considering what he saw Avdol doing in his room.

The CCTV footage played, and sure enough there was Polnareff, washing his face.

Polnareff gulped, had he seen him crying that night?

But none of him crying was shown. He was relieved for a moment until it got to the moment where he snuck into Avdol's room.

As they were watching the footage, Avdol crossed his arms and mumbled something.

Polnareff gulped, had he broke Avdol's trust? Was he making things worse? What had he done?

The CCTV footage finally ended when Polnareff laid next to Avdol.

"Polnareff, we already talked about this! Get over it, go find someone else because I have a heart for somebody else."

Those words made Polnareff's heart wrench, as he thought what the fuck is wrong with Avdol.

"I hope you were listening.." Avdol said very angry.

"Mm-hm..." Polnareff lied, he didn't want to hear his ranting and raving like he's scolding some 5 year old.

"Polnareff, I'm questioning whether I should be friends with you or not. I'm getting very suspicious and feel unsafe around you."

"I'm sorry Avdol...."

"It's too late for apologies...."

Polnareff had messed up big time.

A/N: sorry this is short, I have writer's block and I'm running out of cocaine fuel :( help

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