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the car journey on the way back to the hotel is eerily quiet.

everyone is sat staring out of the windows or into space or at their phone, trying not to focus on the irreversibility of what's happened today.

"i can't believe we had to do that," ashley sighs.

"we barely changed the band's name at all," shay points out. "and now they have to write a new contract. mr fisher said he'll oversee its writing to make sure the label can't put any more sneaky clauses like that in it this time."

ashley nods and sighs, resting her head on shay's shoulder.

aria is staring down at her notebook, her pencil making soft scratching sounds as it dances across the page.

"you okay?" i mouth at her softly. she just shrugs, and i lean across finneas who's fallen asleep in between us. my intention is to talk to her but the angry scribbles of the raw lyrics in her notebook catch my eye.

when we met,
you gave me a necklace
of a bird
that you said didn't have a home
i don't remember for sure,
but i think it was
a type of swallow

sometimes i think
we both knew from the start,
that this was doomed

please just know
i treasure all the time i spent with you

and truth be told,
i'm so unsure if i should even walk away
but i keep clinging on
while knowing i treat you worse every day

i am distant in mind
and i am distant in body
even with me by your side,
you'll be inevitably lonely

i look up at aria, concerned. she just shrugs, looking as though the life has been knocked out of her completely,
and my heart aches for her more than it has throughout this entire case.


lol i think i want to use some of my original music and lyrics as music by the vision in this book but also i don't want the first place that i release it anywhere to be a mf wattpad fanfic

accompanied | billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now