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It took me like, twenty minutes of me just scrolling through my Gravity Falls Pinterest bord just to find a good picture. And I really like it. I would tell you the story I made up for this picture (it isn't my art) but I already put that in my Book To Read When Your Bored. It involved a conversation between my cousin, jam, and Smile Dip. So ya. Here's your chapter ma fellow Bagels. (also please listen to the song I put on. It has nothing to do with the chapter it's just the cello version of Level Of Concern and its really pretty)

I don't even know if I can call these dreams anymore. They seem more like whats happening in my head. Not what my head is making up. But i'm still going to call it a dream because I have nothing else to call it. 

The dream took place in the same place as the last one. Darkness everywhere. Nothing could be seen. I was standing on nothing. The only place where light came from was the worst place possible. From Bill himself. He still had Lilly in chains except this time she was on the ground. 

I took a deep breath and tried not to get freaked out. "So. When are you going to leave me alone." "Hmmm let me think about that one for a bit- Never! You better get used to this kid cause once I burn you from the inside out, you'll never be free of me!" I looked at Lilly on the ground. "What about her. How did you get a hold of Lilly." Bill waved his hand "Ah nothing too important. When I was causing you to have those dreams, I felt a soul being torn from its body. So I snatched my opportunity and grabbed the soul. You and her are going to make good slaves when I take over the world!"

An unsettling feeling set in my stomach. "Now." Bill said. "If I want to make your body into my new one, I'm going to have to make you weak so you can't fight back." he snapped his fingers and blue chains lifted me into the air. I was terrified. But I couldn't let Lilly see how scared I was. I had to be the strong one. If I broke down crying in front of her, she would just think i'm a coward. Which I am. 

Bill snapped his fingers again and the only thing I felt was pain all over. I wanted to scream for help. I wished Mabel was with me. I wanted to fall to the ground and have someone tell me that its going to be okay. But I didn't have any of those options. 

-------------------------TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY BIZZA AND BEBSI---------------------------

I wished I could just get up and leave. I wished so badly that this wasn't actually happening. But it felt so real. I was sure that I was dieing. After what felt like years, Bill snapped his fingers and the chains dissapeared. I fell to the ground of nothingness and landed hard. I wanted to sit up but every time I tried to move, it hurt worse then I could imagine. I heard Lilly gasp. She tried to crawl over to me but Bill pulled on her chains and chocked her. "P-Please." She said. "Please what." "P-Please m-master." he let go and she crawled over to me. She turned me over on my back and looked at me. 

I started to shake. "Now you two get along. I have some business to take care of. If you try to escape girl, i'll make you wish you never died." And with that, he dissapeared. 

Lilly didn't even acknowledge what Bill had said. Her focus was on me and I could tell. Her blue eyes were fixed on me. She sat me up on her lap and hugged me. I looked up at her. I had to ask her one question. "Hey Lilly?" I said in a weak voice. "Shhh don't talk. Your in no condition to-" "Do you hate me?" 

She looked surprised. "No. Why would I hate at you?" "Mabel told me that you had a crush on me." I couldn't tell but I think her face went red. "Wha- oh she told you that didn't she?! Well, don't believe her cause it's not true!" "Yes. It is. I was just too stupid to notice. Just please. D-Don't hate me for ignoring you for all of those years." 

Her look softened. "Dipper. If there's one thing you should know, there is nothing you would ever do in the world to make me hate you." "What did Bill do to me?" her face turned sad. "I-I can't explain it. He just snapped his fingers and your whole body lit with blue fire." I panicked. When he said he was going to burn me from the inside out, he probably meant it. "Lilly...." I was scared to tell her this but I knew it had to be said. "I-I'm terrified." She hugged me. "Me too Dipper. Me too." I felt my body start to wake up. "Tell Mabes I say hi." She said. And with one last smile, she and the world around me dissapeared. 


When I woke up, my whole body hurt. I looked to see if I had any burns. Turns out I did. On my left arm, there was a patch of red that looked like a really bad sunburn. It even hurt like one. I ran over to Mabel's broken mirror to see if I still had that eye. And I did. This situation was just getting worse and worse. I walked back to my bed and looked around to see if Mabel's phone was anywhere. It wasn't so she must have taken it with her wherever she went. I got out mine and called her. She didn't answer. 

So I texted her. 

D: Come quick. Please.

M: Ur awake? When I walked in ur sleeping. 

D: Yeah I'm awake. But please come asap. Bring Grunkle Ford too. 

M: Okie dokie! B there in a few. 

I hid under my blankets to try avoid scaring anyone. A few minutes later, I heard the door open and the sound of two people walk in. "Dipper?" Mabel's voice said. "I'm here." I replied. "Why don't you come out from under the blankets to show Ford what happened." I was hesitant. I didn't want to scare anyone. "Promise you'll find a way to help me." "I'll do my best Dipper." Ford said. I sat up slowly and uncovered my face. 

After a few moments of unsettling silence, Ford spoke up. "Dipper, tell me everything that has happened. From the very start. 

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