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*cri's* as you guys may have known from the newest update of Wattpadian News, I'm in that state where your so tired, that you become Loopy and everything just seems so sad. To make it worse, I'm listening to Leave The City (by Twenty One Pilots) on repeat for some reason *angerly eats chocolate ice cream while crying*. Anyway, if this chapter is so incredibly sad, that will explain it all. Also, when I found the picture, I was literally all "THIS IS THE EXACT KIND OF THING I NEED FOR TRAUMA! DIS GON B ON THE NEXT CHAPTER!" Anyway. Enjoy. (future Lizzy here. I am no longer tired/loopy anymore. I went on a walk and so I'm better now XD)

When we got to the room with the printer, Ford turned to us. "In order for this to work, I need to have a piece of Lilly's DNA." "Where are we going to-" I started. "I got it!" Mabel said raising her hand. "One second." She ran to her room and came back with a stuffed bunny. 

"Uh Mabel. What exactly is that?" "It was Lilly's favorite stuffed animal. She gave it to me. I think it has some of her hair still on it." I shuddered. "Ew. You mean you haven't cleaned it?" She glared at me. "What would you do if your best friend gave you her favorite stuffed animal and then died? Not clean it?" "Okay I get the point. Just give the stuffed animal to Ford." 

She handed it to him and he looked at it. "Aha! I found one!" He grabbed some tools and pulled a hair from it. "Now, what i'm about to do is very enhanced. I was able to make the printer not only copy humans from their original state, But it can also now re-create humans just from a piece of their DNA." It was silent until I said. "The only bad part is that... We can't get Lilly wet. Or else she'll disintegrate. Just like Tyrone did.." 

He put the hair on the printer and scanned it like what happened the time I created a bunch of clones to try to dance with Wendy. When the paper came out, instead of the small hair coming to life, the hair grew stuff from it. It was kind of disturbing to watch a whole life form grow from just one single hair. Soon, a blonde haired girl with pale blue eyes in a pink dress appeared in front of us. Lilly was back. 

I thought she wouldn't remember anything but apparently she did. "Dipper? Mabel?" she said. Mabel had tears in her eyes. "Lilly. Your back." Mabel tackled her with a hug trying not to cry on her. When Mabel pulled away, Lilly looked at me and smiled. I blushed and Mabel elbowed me while giving me a knowing smile. I rolled my eyes and elbowed her back. 

I didn't like Lilly in that way. 

Did I?

Trauma (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora