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Okay ya'll

Please listen to the male cover for Show Yourself from the second Frozen. 

Just do it. Cause its the version i've been listening to and I really do think it's basically Lilly and Dipper's song. 

Okay now. 

Lets go. 

When we got back down to the lab, Ford had me sit down in a chair just like the one I had sat in last time. With the same big screens in front. I took a deep breath not knowing what would appear on the screens. 

"Okay Dipper." Ford said. "I'm about to turn on the machine. You ready?" I nodded. "Yeah I'm ready." He turned on the machine as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Soon enough, words appeared on the screen. Most of the words were my thoughts, but some of them I didn't even recognize. 

Mabel stared at the words on the screen. She scanned them like she was reading invisible equations in the air. I really didn't want to share some of my thoughts with everyone. Okay well, not everyone but still close enough. 

A few minutes of just sitting there in silence, the screen glitched and we saw an image of what was going on (literally) inside my head. It was the same as always. Darkness everywhere. The only light coming from Bill. He still had Lilly in chains. He was floating around in circles mumbling to himself.

Lilly was on the ground. She looked like she was sleeping. But I doubted that was the answer. I worried about her and watched the screen for any answers. I heard Lilly groan something. Then she said it louder. "Why won't you let me go. I only did what I did just so that I could be in a better place like they always say." "Shut it meat sack! I'm never going to let you go. A soul like you is worth more to me then you could imagine."

She suddenly looked terrified. "Wh-What do you mean by that?" Bill chuckled. "Souls that felt like they didn't belong in the world." He floated around her. "Souls that felt worthless. And unimportant." He got close to her face and I felt my face get hot with anger. "Souls that just wanted to die." I felt my nails dig into my skin. I was so-so angry! He was treating her horrible when she deserved better! She didn't deserve a fate like this! 

He floated away from her and I could see that she was crying. I resisted the urge to punch the screen. "You see souls like you are full of insecurities. I can use those insecurities to my advantage. It's only a matter of time before that worthless friend of yours breaks like you did. And when he does, I'll have my revenge on the Pines family! And then I'll turn you and your little Pine Tree into mindless demon servants!" "I don't know your past with Dipper. But whatever happened, don't you dare hurt him." "Or else what? Your going to tell your abusive family?? Oh my gosh I'm so scared!" He said in a fake voice. Then he started to laugh. "Give it up kid. Your a lost soul that has been found. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

He disappeared somewhere and soon it left only Lilly in the darkness. "C-Can she hear us?" Mabel asked. Ford shook his head. "No. But we need to help this soul. Bill is breaking so many laws of death right now that one wrong move could land him in a permanent banishment to the realm of torture. They'll strip him away of his powers there but keep his immortality then torture him for all of time." "Then let's find a way to make that a reality." I said. 

"I might have a way to make a real life double of Lilly." Ford said. "The old printer in the-" "Oh the one that copies humans?" I said. Ford looked shocked. "You know about that?" "Yeah. I may or may not have had some fun with it. May Tyrone rest in peace." I was still sad about my paper friend but it wasn't the right time to worry about that. "Okay I'm going to pretend I know what that means!" Ford said. "For now, I think I have a way to make Lilly's double. Come on." 

Trauma (UNDER EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang