(Surprise surprise) Artemis' pov

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The girls all woke up screaming like there was no tomorrow. None of my hunters do that so saying that I was shocked was an understatement. So I didn't do anything for like 5 minutes until Thalia clicked her fingers under my nose. After I came to my senses and I shouted


He flashed in.

"Yes little sis?" he asked

"Could you look at my hunters they all woke up screaming and for Zeus' SAKE WE ARE THE SAME AGE!!" I screamed at him.

"Sorry sis okay lets do this" he said apologetically.

He goes over to my hunters and checks their temperatures. His farcical expression was pained like he knew what was wrong already. So I asked him

"What's wrong with my hunters?" i practically shout.

He and Perseus winced.

"Don't shout please super hearing here" Perseus said.

"It looks like one of your hunters is a daughter of Hypnos and shared the same dream with everyone I'll let the daughter of Hypnos explain the dream" Apollo said just as Hypnos' symbol appeared above Jasmine's head( sorry about the name it just came to me). She screamed and tried to run away from it but didn't succeed and Percy went to get some Ambrosia and Nectar once he found some he ate/drank it (to get rid of the headache I presume) and he looked relived. 


Sorry about the short chapter but this is 247 words so yeah and I'm also having some personal issues I guess I can say... anyways peace out...

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