Chapter 3

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Dipper was floating above Gravity Falls, but it wasn't Gravity Falls anymore – everything was lying in chaotic ruin. Instead of twisting guilt and sadness he felt a strange feeling of happiness, euphoria: power.

The world was silent, and he liked it. Liked his own work.


Dipper blinked at the name catching softly in the wind. He pushed it back.


"This could all be yours, Pine Tree!" Dipper instantly recognised the voice as Bill, and snapped his head upwards in an attempt to search for him.

The world began to crumble and glitch under his feet, turning into white static.


"Who needs those guys, anyway? Not you! Not me!" Bill cackled. Whatever was holding Dipper in the air broke, and he tumbled down into the black abyss.


Dipper woke up with a start, sitting up from the slouch on his desk. Breathing heavily, he stared at the wall in front of him, his mind racing.

"Dipper..." Someone was knocking on the door. Mabel.

What was that dream? Dipper ignored Mabel's call, furrowing his brow. The dream came back to him in fractured pieces like broken glass. However, the main thing he (regretfully) did remember was feeling happy at the sight of destruction. It left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Bill stay out of my head!" Dipper yelled out loud, unaware that Mabel was still at the door.

"What?" Mabel asked immediately. Dipper cursed quietly, stumbling over his words. He was never good at lying.

"It's nothing Mabel!" He shouted, slightly panicked. As he grew more awake, his negative feelings towards his sister returned – though not as strong as before. Colder, he asked, "What do you want?"

"I just..." Mabel sighed behind the door. "I wanted to say..."

Dipper looked over at the door, holding his breath.

"...that Grunkle Stan wants you to come back down and do some chores."

Dipper's face dropped, the small ray of hope being lost in a second. With an empty heart, he stood up and pulled on his jacket.

"Alright." He sighed, stretching. He heard Mabel pause at the door for a few more seconds before moving away.

Dipper followed soon after, the dream slipping out of his mind between leaving his room and walking down the stairs. His shoes scuffed against the wooden boards as he entered the main room, finding Stan in his chair.

"Finally." He grunted in greeting. Dipper didn't say anything. "Now, what was this morning about?" He asked in a harder tone.

Dipper gritted his teeth, looking away. It was more than likely that his Grunkle wouldn't understand, or say he was overreacting. But for Dipper this was much more than a "big deal". It was like he was slowly getting torn in half – one half being angry and violent, and the other sad and alone.

"You gonna answer?" Grunkle Stan asked. Dipper folded his arms.

"I don't need to." Dipper muttered. In response, his Grunkle sighed.

"Apologise to her."


Stan blinked, shocked at the hard certainty in his voice.

"Dipper –" he warned, but Dipper shook his head, cutting him off.

"I'm not apologising." He answered firmly.

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