Chapter 10

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"So tell me, how much of a fire hazard is this place?"

"When does this shack date back to? One thousand years ago?"

"I've seen dead trees look better than this!"

Dipper had only just entered the Mystery Shack when Bill piped up, bombarding him with questions like an annoying child. The demon had been as silent as himself during the long walk back, deep in thought. Dipper had wanted to ask what he was thinking about, but decided not to. He would rather stay oblivious to Bill's mind.

"I think there's more mould than wood here!" Bill pointed to the ceiling, where mould was clinging onto the planks.

"You're being very distracting." Dipper hissed out of the corner of his mouth. "Could you stay quiet for a few minutes?"

"Don't talk that way with your teacher! Detention!" Bill exclaimed dramatically. Dipper rolled his eyes and dropped his bag to the ground.

He peeled off his jacket, hanging it on a peg to dry. The symbol etched into his skin stuck out against his pale completion, and he frowned.

"Better cover that up properly." Bill warned more seriously. Dipper nodded. With a sigh, he shuffled into the main room, rubbing his eyes.

The television was blaring, its light reflecting onto Mabel's face, which was glued to the screen. When she saw Dipper she pouted, turning her head away from him.

"All this because you wouldn't cover for her? Wow." Bill said unhelpfully.

"It happens a lot." Dipper muttered. He thought his voice was hidden against the shouts of the tv, but Mabel turned to him in confusion, her mood forgotten.

"What happens all the time?" She asked, but Dipper was already out of the room, leaving a trail of soggy footprints behind him.

"Dipper wait!"

But Dipper kept walking. After the day of magic, no matter how brief it was, he felt like the world had exploded into infinite possibilities. For once, he was happy with being him, knowing that there was something he could finally get lost in without the judgement of others – because there was no one else, just him and Bill.

So when Mabel tried to stop him, tried to hold him back again, he refused to let her. He walked steadily out of the room, not looking behind him.

"Great, you got dirt all over the floor." Stan was cooking their dinner in the kitchen. Dipper ignored him too, simply taking off his shoes and holding them.

"Is this better?" He asked, not even looking at his Grunkle. He didn't wait for the answer and tried to escape the room, only to be blocked by a large arm.


"Remember what I said Pine Tree." Bill reminded him close to his ear.

"Dipper may I have a word with you?" Ford was angry, he could see that, but was trying to act less so to try and lure him in. Dipper wasn't buying it, seeing the mistrust behind his eyes.

"I'm right here. Why are you waiting?" Dipper replied cooly. He hid his marked wrist behind his back, fist clenched.

Stan was watching the exchange silently, eyes narrowed.

"You ran from me in the woods today." Ford was watching Dipper carefully. The teen thought quickly.

"That was you?" He pretended you be a little surprised, but kept his eyes locked on Ford. "I thought that was a monster, I'm sorry."

"I called your name. Numerous times."

"It was raining. I didn't hear anything."

Bill cackled behind him, and Dipper could see why.

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