Chapter 5

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Breathing heavily, Dipper closed his eyes, Bill still in his mind. Below him, sounds of chatter and general clutter echoed, notifying him that Grunkle Stan was awake at least.

The teen crawled out of his bed and onto the ledge of the window. The triangle shone light directly on him, and without realising Dipper leant onto the cool glass.

"Why was he nicer to me." Dipper muttered to himself. He stared down at his hands, one sticky with unwashed blood (a danger for infection if he'd ever seen one, but he couldn't bring himself to care).

Was the demon tricking him? Or was it something more sinister? Instinct told Dipper it was the latter, and usually he would listen to it – but for the first time his heart pulled in the opposite direction, the long extinguished flame of hope flickering inside of him.

Dipper groaned loudly, grabbing his hair with his hands and pulling on it in frustration.

"Why can't he just give me a straight answer?!" He yelled.

"Dipper? Breakfast is ready."

Dipper jumped, stumbling to his feet quickly. He relaxed when he saw it was only his sister.

"Yeah. Right." Dipper looked back towards the window, deep in thought. However, Mabel didn't leave.

"Why were you yelling just now bro-bro?" She asked. Dipper cringed. He was hoping she hadn't heard that.

On one hand, despite his mistrust for his sister, he could tell her what he had been dreaming about the last few nights – Mabel knew of Bill too, so she would understand and help him.

Dipper bit his lip, not moving when Mabel moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He missed moments like these, where it was just them. Not a care in the world.

"I think...Bill's inside my head again." Dipper muttered, sighing. Mabel was silent for a few seconds, hand moving off his shoulder and to her side.

"Bill? The triangle guy?" She asked. Dipper nodded.

"The one that possessed me." He confirmed.

"But we defeated him with the fireworks." It wasn't the response that Dipper was hoping to hear, and he turned to look at her.

Disbelief was written all over her face. It stuck a chord in Dipper, sadness and pain consuming him to the point where he couldn't hear the rest of Mabel's response over the ringing in his ears.

She didn't believe him.

She didn't believe him.

"You don't believe me, do you?" Dipper whispered. Mabel made a noise, fiddling with the hem of her sweater.

"It's not that I don''s just...we defeated him..."

"We blew up a fucking sock, Mabel!" Dipper countered, anger rising. "Did that look like a demon to you?!"

"I'm just saying that you might be paranoid, that's all!" Mabel raises her voice, stepping back.

"Paranoid?! Are you serious right now Mabel?!" Dipper snarled.

"You just haven't been acting like the fun Dipper I know! You've been all moody and grouchy –"

"That's because I have more things to worry about than sparkles and rainbows! Open your eyes Mabel!"

"Me open my eyes?!" Mabel shouted, tears in her eyes. "You should open yours Dipper! Stop worrying about silly things like triangles –"

"Silly?" Dipper hissed, eyes darkening. The look he sent his sister made her take a few steps back. "You think that I would joke around like something like this?"

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