Chapter 11

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Sorry it's been so long, but updates should be regular now (until I go back to collage at least)

"You're late!" Was what Dipper was greeted with once the world came into focus. Dipper blinked, spotting the triangle a few metres away from him with his arms crossed.

"I'm not." Dipper replied with a pout. "It's the same time as yesterday."

"The clock says differently!" Bill pointed to the clock that had appeared in front of him. It had at least ten hands, and numbers and letters scattered on the edges. Dipper looked at in confusion before shrugging and moving to his seat.

"Whatever you say." He muttered. Bill ignored him and floated back to the board.

"Don't you want to know what you're going to be learning today?" He asked loudly. He jabbed his cane at the writing. "Its pretty fun!"

Dipper nodded, opening his book eagerly.

"You humans call it flying! Isn't that great!" Bill said excitedly. Dipper grinned, straightening up at the mention of physical magic.

"I'm going to learn how to fly?!" He asked happily. Bill rolled his eye with a sigh.

"Typical human. It's not flying." Bill moved closer to him. "Does it look like I'm flying to you?"

"Well...kinda..." Dipper could see what Bill meant – he wasn't flying like a superhero, it was more like he was just walking in the air.

"All I've done is turned gravity off a bit!" Bill explained. "I haven't used these legs properly in two thousand years!" He cackled and floated back to the board.

"So how do you do it?" Dipper asked eagerly.

"Like this!" Bill simply rotated on the spot. "Ta da!"

"You know what I meant." Dipper said, folding his arms.

"Remember, just theory in this place Pine Tree." Bill reminded before turning back to the board and writing a few more lines in the runes he had previously learnt. Dipper read them quickly, narrowing his eyes.

"What do you mean by "turn off gravity"?" He asked, copying the notes into his journal. Bill seemed like he was expecting the question, and straightened his bow tie before answering.

"Kid, gravity is just a force to beings like us." He began to explain. "And we can turn it off around ourselves whenever we like. Just imagine that there is no restriction that's keeping anything down."

"Oh." The idea was almost impossible, but he had learnt not to doubt Bill's knowledge. The triangle seemed to know everything, and it would be foolish to try and disagree with him.

"The problem for beginners like you is that you get rid of gravity for yourself completely, and you end up sending whatever you wanted to move flying into space."

"So how do I stop that?" Dipper asked, scrawling into his journal.

"Imagine your turning a knob." Bill answered immediately. "Not full power, not off – somewhere in the middle."

Dipper wrote a few more lines, drawing a brief diagram. He was grinning, his foot drumming against the floor.

"What?" Bill asked in confusion.

"Just excited." Dipper answered shortly. Bill laughed.

"Kid, this is basic stuff! You've got much more to learn yet!" He began to count on his fingers. "Fire, teleportation, deals, telekinesis – I could go on forever! Some of these things you'll just pick up on your own as your magic gets stronger."

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